
  • How to Be a More Mindful Street Photographer

    I just finished a book called “10% happier”, which preached the benefits of meditation and mindfulness in everyday life. There is a lot of pain and anxiety from everyday life, and one of the main causes of that is longing for something. Wanting something that we don’t have. By focusing too much on the future and…

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  • Zen in the Art of Street Photography

    (All photographs in this article provided by Rinzi Ruiz) My good friend Nicholas Susatyo recently recommended a book to me: “Zen in the Art of Archery.” In-fact, it was the book that Henri Cartier-Bresson said had the deepest influence in his photography. I have been meaning to read it for a while, so on my flight…

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  • How to Find Zen in Street Photography

    (“Whisper”. Mumbai, 2011) When it comes to street photography, it is easy to get caught-up in the hype of new cameras, spending too much time on blogs, and not enough time out shooting. I think one of the most difficult things in street photography is to find enough time to shoot and being able to…

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  • Why Street Photography Brings Me True Happiness

    Street photography is one of the biggest passions in my life. I spend a large amount of time either shooting on the streets, blogging about street photography, tweeting about street photography, and talking/thinking about street photography. But why do I love it so much and why does it bring me a lot of happiness? The…

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