• ”Hypertrophy”— muscular “hypertrophy” just means hyper (over) trophia (nutrition).

  • Ironically enough when we try *too hard* to be “secure”.. we actually get * locked out* of our own thing ourselves!

  • At one point did we *prefer* the exotic, strange and weird contrary to our own?

    Aristotle on ethnocentrism quotes

    Aristotle expressed several views that can be interpreted as ethnocentric, particularly in his works “Politics” and “Nicomachean Ethics.” Here are a couple of notable quotes that reflect his perspective on different peoples, especially in the context of Greeks and ‘barbarians’:

    1. On Natural Slavery: In “Politics,” Aristotle famously states, “For that some should rule and others be ruled is a thing not only necessary but expedient; from the hour of their birth, some are marked out for subjection, others for rule.” This quote is often interpreted as justifying the domination of non-Greeks, whom he saw as naturally suited to be ruled.
    2. Cultural Superiority: Aristotle also made a clear distinction between Greeks and non-Greeks in terms of their capacity for virtue and rationality. He asserted, “The barbarian and the slave have no part in happiness, nor in a life choice-worthy; but happiness is activity in accordance with virtue, and therefore it is for the free man and the man of birth and education.”

    These quotes are indicative of the prevailing attitudes of many Greeks during Aristotle’s time. They reflect a worldview where Greeks were seen as inherently more rational and virtuous, and thus naturally suited to rule over ‘barbarians,’ who were considered lacking in these qualities. Aristotle’s ethnocentric views were influential and echoed in various forms throughout Western philosophy and political thought.

    Negative thoughts

    Focusing on the negative views of the Ancient Greeks towards foreigners, several key aspects stand out:

    1. “Barbarians” Label: The term “barbarian” was commonly used by the Greeks to refer to non-Greeks. It originally referred to the unintelligible speech of foreigners, sounding like “bar-bar” to Greek ears, but over time it took on a connotation of cultural and intellectual inferiority.
    2. Aristotle’s Ethnocentrism: Aristotle’s views were notably ethnocentric. He argued that non-Greeks were more emotional and less rational, making them naturally suited to be ruled. This view justified the subjugation of non-Greeks and influenced later Western thought on race and ethnicity.
    3. Cultural Superiority: Many Greeks believed in their cultural superiority, viewing their art, politics, and philosophy as unparalleled. This belief fostered a dismissive attitude towards foreign cultures and customs.
    4. Xenophobia in Athens: Despite Athens’ reputation for relative openness, there were strong elements of xenophobia. Foreigners living in Athens, known as metics, were often treated as second-class residents, required to pay special taxes and denied political rights.
    5. Sparta’s Isolationism: Sparta, in contrast to Athens, was highly isolationist and distrustful of outside influences. Spartans were discouraged from traveling abroad, and foreign visitors were closely monitored, reflecting a deep-seated suspicion of foreign influences.
    6. Theatrical Portrayals: In Greek tragedy and comedy, foreigners were often depicted as barbaric, deceitful, or morally inferior. These portrayals reinforced stereotypes and justified Greek superiority.
    7. Fear of Persians: The Greco-Persian Wars significantly influenced Greek views on foreigners. The Persians were often depicted as the quintessential barbarians, tyrannical and luxurious, in contrast to the perceived freedom and simplicity of the Greeks.

    These negative views were not universally held or unchanging, but they played a significant role in shaping Greek attitudes towards other cultures and peoples. They reflect the complexities and contradictions in Greek society, where intellectual curiosity about the world coexisted with strong notions of cultural superiority.

    Ancient Greek thoughts on the foreign

    Ancient Greek perspectives on the “foreign” or foreigners, often termed as “barbarians,” were complex and varied significantly among different thinkers and eras.

    1. Homer and Hesiod: In the earliest texts like the works of Homer and Hesiod, foreigners were often depicted as noble and sometimes even superior in certain aspects. They were seen as part of the rich tapestry of the world.
    2. Herodotus: Known as the ‘Father of History’, Herodotus showed a remarkable openness and curiosity about foreign cultures. He traveled extensively and documented different customs and beliefs without much of the ethnocentric bias that was common at the time.
    3. Sophocles and Euripides: Playwrights like Sophocles and Euripides often used foreign characters in their plays. While they sometimes portrayed them as barbaric or less civilized, there were also instances of sympathy and understanding towards them.
    4. Athenian Democracy: In classical Athens, the concept of citizenship was closely guarded, and foreigners (metics) had a different status. While they could live and work in Athens, they were not afforded the same rights as citizens. This reflects a kind of exclusivity in their view of who belonged to their society.
    5. Philosophers’ Views:
    • Plato: Plato’s ideas about foreigners were mixed. In some dialogues, he seems to advocate for a kind of universalism, while in others, like “The Laws,” he suggests more stringent measures against foreigners.
    • Aristotle: Aristotle had a more clearly defined ethnocentric view. He considered non-Greeks as barbarians and inherently suited to be ruled over, which was reflective of the prevalent attitudes in later classical Greece.
    1. Hellenistic Period: In the Hellenistic period, following Alexander the Great’s conquests, there was a significant cultural exchange. This era saw a more cosmopolitan view, blending Greek and Eastern elements, showing an increased respect and integration of foreign ideas and practices.
    2. Stoicism: The Stoics, like Zeno and later Roman Stoics like Seneca and Marcus Aurelius, advocated for a kind of cosmopolitanism, viewing all humans as part of a single community.

    These perspectives were not just reflections of their times but also influenced how Greek culture interacted with and perceived the wider world. It’s a testament to the diversity of thought in ancient Greece, from insular and ethnocentric to remarkably open and cosmopolitan.

  • Developers are rich!

  • How much the average American wastes on their car … are they dumb?

    For example anyone who buys an Audi… I have zero idea what the appeal is?

    Also in 2023 and beyond into 2024… why would you purchase a car with just a solo gasoline engine??

  • Inspired by TALEB — my idea:

    Cars, high performance cars, off roading whatever is just merchandized and commoditized adrenaline and testosterone?

    For example the ideal of an off roading Lamborghini — the Hurucan Sterrato— driving fast in the ice, or in the sand or desert or whatever … the idea is to have high thrills, high adrenaline … increase your feeling of manliness in testosterone in a vehicle?

  • Lamborghini and the new model — the Revuelto, no more real sex appeal?

    Even seeing it with the scissor LAMBO doors … no longer cool?

    Theory —

    The only reason that Lamborghinis got cool in the first place was because of JAY Z, KANYE WEST?

  • Lamborghini Urus for Italian state police?

  • Walking around with a Lamborghini Aventador in your wallet — super swag!

  • 720p over 1080p and 4k and beyond?

    Not even an internet upload speed issue … YouTube or whatever video processing platforms *take a while* to “process” the video?

    1. The human body
    2. Diet, health, exercise, fitness, meat, muscle
  • Vid

    Rather than to deadlift 4 plates and beyond … better to carry it and walk it out?

  • The best way to be more “productive” is to GET RID OF distractions and nonsense! Not adding things, devices etc … but to REMOVE superfluous and unnecessary devices, tools, technologies etc!

    Same thing with design … rather than figuring out what “new” features to add, figure out which features to *REMOVE*, SUBTRACT, etc.

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    2. To pay for heating, gas, and electricity
    3. Pay for gasoline for your car (white 2010 Prius), or electricity for your Tesla electric car.
    4. Pay your website hosting server fee
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  • Only losers borrow money from the bank!

  • Certainly, here are specific quotes from Homer’s “Iliad” that reference sleep:

    1. Sleep as a Comforter in Grief:
    • “And now the god of sleep, with kindly care, / Had sealed in slumber all the Grecian eyes; / Exhausted with the toils of war and care” (Book II, lines 6-8).
    • This quote captures the idea of sleep as a comforting force, offering rest to the weary Greek warriors.
    1. Sleep as a Divine Power:
    • “And now had sleep, the healer, come to soothe him, / The only god who heals the heart of sorrow” (Book XIV, lines 359-360).
    • Here, sleep is personified and revered as a divine healer, soothing the sorrows of the heart.
    1. The Allure of Sleep:
    • “But upon the eyes of Achilles fell sweet sleep, / Weary, for the shapely ankles of Patroclus / Had he chased all day through the plain of battle” (Book XVIII, lines 1-3).
    • This passage illustrates the irresistible allure of sleep, especially after a day of intense physical and emotional exertion.

    These excerpts from the “Iliad” illustrate the multifaceted nature of sleep in ancient Greek literature, seen as both a comforting and powerful force.

    In Homer’s “Iliad,” sleep is often portrayed as a powerful and essential force, sometimes personified as a god. Here are a few notable quotes about sleep from the epic:

    1. The Healing Power of Sleep: In Book XIV, Hera, seeking to distract Zeus to aid the Greeks, says, “Endearing sleep, the sweetest and soundest of all the gods.” This highlights the rejuvenating power of sleep.
    2. Sleep as a Respite from Sorrow: In Book XXIV, Achilles, mourning Patroclus, finally finds sleep: “But now at last soft slumber overpowered Achilles, as he mourned the loss of his dear comrade.” This shows sleep as a temporary escape from grief.
    3. The Irresistible Nature of Sleep: In various parts of the poem, sleep is shown as something even the gods and heroes cannot resist, emphasizing its essential and overpowering nature.

    These quotes from “Iliad” reflect the ancient Greek understanding of sleep as a vital, almost divine force, offering rest, respite, and renewal, even in the midst of war and suffering.

  • Wow — being catholic, ChatGPT 4 is pretty spot on!!

    Catholicism, as a major branch of Christianity, is often subject to misconceptions. Addressing these can help clarify understanding:

    1. Catholics Worship Mary and Saints: Catholics venerate Mary and the saints, meaning they honor them as holy people close to God. This is often mistaken for worship, which in Catholic doctrine, is due only to God.
    2. The Pope is Infallible in All He Says: Papal infallibility, a doctrine of the Catholic Church, applies only when the Pope makes a formal declaration on faith or morals, known as “ex cathedra.” It does not mean that everything the Pope says is infallible.
    3. Catholics Don’t Read the Bible: Catholics do read the Bible, and it’s a fundamental part of their faith. The misconception may arise from the historical emphasis on liturgy and oral tradition.
    4. Catholics Can ‘Buy’ Their Way into Heaven: This misconception likely stems from a misunderstanding of the historical practice of selling indulgences, which was never a doctrine about buying salvation.
    5. Catholics Oppose Science: Many Catholics have been and are involved in scientific research. The Catholic Church has historically supported scientific endeavors and operates numerous educational institutions that teach science.
    6. All Catholics are Strictly Conservative: Catholics, like any large group, have a range of political and social views. Not all adhere strictly to conservative viewpoints.
    7. Catholicism is Solely a Western Religion: Catholicism has a global presence, with significant numbers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, not just Europe and North America.
    8. Catholics Practice Idolatry with Statues and Images: Catholics use statues and images as reminders of faith and as aids in prayer, not as objects of worship. This practice is often misunderstood as idolatry.
    9. Confession Means Catholics Can Sin Without Consequence: The Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) in Catholicism involves genuine repentance, a firm purpose of amendment, and performing acts of penance, not just a simple admission of sin.
    10. The Catholic Church Hasn’t Changed Over Centuries: While certain core doctrines remain, the Catholic Church has undergone various changes and developments in its practices, liturgy, and approaches to social issues over the centuries.

    Understanding these aspects can provide a more nuanced view of Catholicism and its practices.

  • Discussing philological errors in the Torah involves exploring the linguistic and textual variations that have arisen over centuries of transmission and translation. The Torah, being an ancient text, has naturally undergone changes and adaptations, both intentional and unintentional, as it was copied and recopied by scribes.

    1. Variations in Manuscripts: The oldest manuscripts of the Torah, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, show variations in spelling and wording when compared to the Masoretic Text, which is the basis for most modern Jewish editions of the Torah. These variations could be considered errors or simply reflections of different textual traditions.
    2. Vowelization and Cantillation: The original Hebrew text of the Torah was written without vowels and cantillation marks. These were added much later by the Masoretes, medieval Jewish scribes. The introduction of vowelization sometimes led to different interpretations and potentially the crystallization of certain ‘errors’ in reading the text.
    3. Translation Discrepancies: When the Torah is translated into other languages (e.g., the Septuagint in Greek, the Vulgate in Latin, or various English translations), discrepancies and interpretative choices can lead to differences from the original meaning. Some of these might be seen as errors, particularly if they significantly alter the original intent or message.
    4. Scribal Errors: Over centuries, scribes copying the Torah might have made inadvertent errors, such as misspellings, duplications, or omissions of words or letters. While Jewish tradition emphasizes extreme care in copying the Torah, no process is immune to human error.
    5. Interpretative Variations: The Torah is often read not just as a literal text but also through the lens of rabbinic interpretation, which can vary widely. What some might see as a ‘mistake’ in the text could be interpreted by scholars as a deliberate choice with deep theological or moral implications.
    6. Evolution of Hebrew Language: The Hebrew language has evolved over time. Some words or phrases in the Torah might seem erroneous or nonsensical when interpreted with modern Hebrew understanding but made perfect sense in the context of ancient Hebrew.

    In exploring these errors or variations, it’s important to remember that the Torah is not just a historical document but a living religious text. Interpretations and understandings of its content can vary widely, reflecting different religious, cultural, and scholarly contexts.

  • Nietzsche critique:

    Friedrich Nietzsche’s critical stance on Romanticism, especially in his later works, is reflected in several of his quotes. While direct quotes explicitly criticizing Romanticism are less frequent, his writings offer insights that can be interpreted as critiques of Romantic values and ideals:

    1. On the Idealization of Suffering (a Romantic Trait):
    • “There is nothing very odd about lambs disliking birds of prey, but this is no reason for holding it against large birds of prey that they snatch away small lambs.” – From “On the Genealogy of Morality”
    • This quote reflects Nietzsche’s criticism of the Romantic glorification of suffering and victimhood. He often argued that life involves struggle and conflict, and romanticizing suffering can lead to a passive and life-denying attitude.
    1. On the Rejection of Reality (common in Romanticism):
    • “The ‘apparent’ world is the only one: the ‘real’ world is merely a lie added by…” – From “Twilight of the Idols”
    • Here, Nietzsche criticizes the Romantic notion of an idealized, ‘real’ world beyond the apparent one, emphasizing the importance of embracing the tangible, physical world.
    1. On the Romantic Hero Concept:
    • “The concept of the ‘hero’ is the most fatal error, the peg on which the Übermensch was hanged.” – From his notes (posthumously published)
    • Nietzsche critiqued the Romantic ideal of the hero as self-absorbed and overly focused on personal angst, preferring the idea of the Übermensch who creates new values and affirms life.
    1. On Excessive Emotionality (Romanticism’s Hallmark):
    • “One must learn to love. This is what happens in music: first one has to learn to hear a figure and melody at all, to detect and distinguish it, to isolate it and delimit it as a separate life.” – From “Human, All Too Human”
    • Nietzsche’s emphasis on structure and discipline in appreciating music can be seen as a critique of the unbridled emotionalism in Romantic music and art.

    Nietzsche’s critiques of Romanticism are often implicit, woven into his broader philosophical discussions about morality, culture, and art. His emphasis on strength, affirmation of life, and the creation of new values stand in contrast to what he saw as the Romantic tendencies toward escapism, glorification of suffering, and excessive emotionalism.

    Friedrich Nietzsche’s critiques of Romanticism are scattered across his various works, and his statements offer a deep insight into his complex views:

    1. On Romantic Nostalgia and the Past: In “Thus Spoke Zarathustra,” Nietzsche presents the idea of the “eternal recurrence,” which challenges the Romantic idealization of the past. He suggests that one should live life as though they would have to live the same life repeatedly, thus focusing on the present and future, not an idealized past.
    2. On Transcendence and Otherworldliness: In “The Birth of Tragedy,” Nietzsche contrasts the Apollonian (order, reason) with the Dionysian (chaos, emotion). He initially praised the balance of these elements in Romantic art, particularly in Wagner’s operas. However, he later critiqued this for promoting escapism and neglecting the harsh realities of life.
    3. On Pessimism and Suffering: In “The Gay Science” and “Beyond Good and Evil,” Nietzsche critiques the Romantic glorification of suffering and melancholy. He promotes the idea of “amor fati” (love of one’s fate), arguing for a joyful acceptance of life with all its pain and struggles, rather than a pessimistic resignation to suffering.
    4. On Romantic Art and Wagner: Nietzsche’s “The Case of Wagner” is a critique of Wagner’s music and the Romantic movement in art. He argues that Wagner’s music represents a decadent, unhealthy art form that indulges in excessive emotion and escapism.
    5. On Subjectivity: Throughout his works, including “Ecce Homo,” Nietzsche expresses concerns about the Romantic emphasis on subjectivity and introspection, advocating instead for a more outward-looking perspective that engages actively with the world.

    Nietzsche’s critiques are not a wholesale rejection of Romanticism but rather a nuanced engagement with its ideas. He appreciates certain aspects of Romantic thought while challenging others, especially those he perceives as life-denying or escapist. His philosophy is, in many ways, a response to the perceived excesses and shortcomings of Romanticism, seeking to carve out a path that affirms life and reality in all their complexity.

    What did he say

    Friedrich Nietzsche’s relationship with Romanticism was complex and multifaceted. While he was influenced by certain aspects of Romantic thought, he also critiqued it on several grounds:

    1. Idealization of the Past: Nietzsche critiqued the Romantic glorification of the past. He believed this nostalgia was a form of escapism, a refusal to confront and embrace the realities and challenges of the present and future. Nietzsche emphasized the importance of living dynamically and affirmatively in the present moment.
    2. Emphasis on Transcendence and the Otherworldly: Nietzsche was critical of the Romantic inclination towards transcendence and the otherworldly, seeing it as a denial of life and reality. He advocated for a philosophy that affirmed life in this world, with all its imperfections and suffering, rather than seeking solace in an idealized past or an otherworldly realm.
    3. Excessive Focus on the Self and Subjectivity: While Nietzsche valued individualism, he critiqued the Romantic preoccupation with the self and subjective emotional experience. He saw this as potentially leading to solipsism and a disconnect from the broader social and cultural context.
    4. Romantic Pessimism and Melancholy: Nietzsche was critical of the Romantic tendency towards pessimism, melancholy, and passive suffering. He advocated for a more active, assertive approach to life, emphasizing the creation of personal values and the idea of the “Übermensch” (Overman or Superman) – a concept representing the potential for individual greatness and self-overcoming.
    5. Critique of Romantic Art and Music: Nietzsche had a complicated relationship with the music of Richard Wagner, a key figure in Romantic art. Initially an ardent admirer, Nietzsche later critiqued Wagner’s music for what he saw as its excessive emotionalism and irrationality, which he believed could have a detrimental effect on listeners.

    Nietzsche’s critique of Romanticism was part of his broader philosophical project of reevaluating values and challenging conventional morality and metaphysics. He sought to offer an alternative to what he saw as the Romantic movement’s shortcomings, advocating for a philosophy that celebrated strength, vitality, and the affirmation of life.

    Why Nietzsche critical of romanticism

    Several notable critics and thinkers have offered critiques or engaged critically with the ideas of Romanticism, either contemporaneously or in later periods. Here are some of them:

    1. Samuel Johnson: An 18th-century critic, Johnson often critiqued what he saw as the excesses of Romantic sentimentality, emphasizing instead the importance of reason and realism.
    2. Charles Baudelaire: A 19th-century French poet and essayist, Baudelaire both continued and critiqued Romantic traditions. He admired Romanticism’s depth of feeling but criticized what he saw as its naivete and lack of sophistication about evil and suffering.
    3. T.S. Eliot: In the 20th century, Eliot, a poet and critic, critiqued Romanticism, particularly its subjectivism and self-indulgence. He advocated for a return to more classical forms and discipline in poetry.
    4. George Bernard Shaw: The Irish playwright and critic, Shaw was critical of Romantic idealism, particularly in its manifestations in literature and drama. He favored realism and rationalism over Romantic emotionalism.
    5. Friedrich Nietzsche: The German philosopher had a complex relationship with Romanticism. He was influenced by it, particularly by Schopenhauer and Wagner, but he also critiqued its emphasis on otherworldliness and escapism.
    6. Raymond Williams: A 20th-century Marxist theorist, Williams critiqued Romanticism from a socio-political perspective, analyzing its role in the development of modern cultural and literary forms and ideologies.
    7. Northrop Frye: A Canadian literary critic, Frye engaged with Romantic literature extensively. While recognizing its importance, he critiqued its tendency towards solipsism and its often unstructured, sprawling nature.
    8. Terry Eagleton: A contemporary critic and theorist, Eagleton has critiqued various aspects of Romanticism, particularly its idealization of certain concepts like nature and the individual.

    These critics, coming from diverse philosophical and literary traditions, have offered varied perspectives on Romanticism, contributing to a richer and more complex understanding of the movement and its impact on Western thought and culture.

    Famous critics

    Critiques of Romanticism, while acknowledging its significant contributions to art, literature, and philosophy, often focus on various perceived limitations and issues:

    1. Idealization of the Past and Nature: Critics argue that Romanticism’s idealization of the past and nature can lead to a distorted view of reality. The romanticized past is often seen as overly simplistic, ignoring the complexities and challenges of historical periods.
    2. Emphasis on Emotion Over Reason: While Romanticism celebrated emotion and individual experience, critics point out that this often came at the expense of rational and scientific thought. This could lead to subjective and sometimes irrational perspectives, potentially hindering progress and objective understanding.
    3. Escapism: The Romantic focus on individual emotions and nature can be seen as a form of escapism. Critics suggest that this retreat into the self and the idealized natural world can be a way to avoid confronting the real social, political, and economic issues of the day.
    4. The Romantic Hero: The concept of the solitary, tormented Romantic hero, while influential, has been criticized for promoting a self-absorbed, even narcissistic individualism. This focus on personal angst and rebellion could overshadow broader communal and societal responsibilities.
    5. Pessimism and Melancholy: The Romantics’ frequent preoccupation with melancholy and despair is seen by some as a negative worldview that glorifies suffering and sadness, potentially leading to a defeatist or nihilistic attitude.
    6. Gender Bias: The Romantic movement, like many historical artistic movements, has been criticized for its gender bias. Female artists and thinkers were often marginalized, and the movement’s ideals and themes were largely male-centric.
    7. Impact on Subsequent Movements: Some critics argue that the intense individualism and emotionalism of Romanticism paved the way for later problematic ideologies and philosophies, contributing to a cultural environment that could be exploited for less noble ends.
    8. Nationalism and Exoticism: Romanticism’s emphasis on folklore and national identity sometimes veered into problematic nationalism. Moreover, its fascination with “the exotic” often involved stereotypical or superficial portrayals of non-European cultures.

    In sum, while Romanticism profoundly influenced Western culture and thought, its critics highlight its potential for impracticality, self-indulgence, and escapist tendencies. These critiques provide a necessary counterbalance, offering a more nuanced understanding of the movement and its legacy.

    Critique of romanticism

    Famous thinkers from the Romantic era, who contributed significantly to its ideals and philosophy, include:

    1. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: A German writer and statesman, Goethe’s works, such as “Faust” and “The Sorrows of Young Werther,” are cornerstone pieces of Romantic literature. He emphasized the importance of emotion and the individual’s experience.
    2. William Wordsworth: An English poet, Wordsworth played a pivotal role in founding the Romantic Age in English literature. His poetry, including works like “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey,” often celebrated nature, emotion, and the individual’s connection to the natural world.
    3. Samuel Taylor Coleridge: A close associate of Wordsworth, Coleridge was an English poet, literary critic, philosopher, and theologian. His poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” is a classic of Romantic literature.
    4. Lord Byron (George Gordon Byron): An English poet and a leading figure in the Romantic movement, Byron was known for his flamboyant lifestyle and works like “Don Juan” and “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage.” His persona and poetry embodied the Romantic hero.
    5. Percy Bysshe Shelley: An English poet, Shelley’s radical views and lyrical poetry, such as “Ozymandias” and “To a Skylark,” made him a key figure in the Romantic movement.
    6. John Keats: An English poet, Keats is known for his vivid imagery and odes, such as “Ode to a Nightingale” and “Ode on a Grecian Urn.” His work emphasizes beauty and the transient nature of life.
    7. Mary Shelley: An English novelist who wrote “Frankenstein,” Shelley’s work combines Romantic themes with early elements of science fiction.
    8. Friedrich Schiller: A German poet, philosopher, physician, historian, and playwright, Schiller’s works, like “Ode to Joy,” influenced Romantic literature and philosophy, emphasizing freedom, individualism, and the aesthetic experience.
    9. Arthur Schopenhauer: A German philosopher, Schopenhauer’s pessimistic philosophy influenced later Romantic and existential thinkers. His work, “The World as Will and Representation,” explores the role of human will in a world driven by desire and suffering.

    These thinkers and their works deeply influenced the cultural and philosophical landscape, contributing to the rich legacy of the Romantic era. Their focus on emotion, nature, individualism, and the critique of industrialization and rationalism provided a counterpoint to the Enlightenment, shaping modern thought in profound ways.

    Famous “romantic” thinkers

    Romanticism was an artistic, literary, musical, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe towards the end of the 18th century and lasted until the mid-19th century. It was characterized by its emphasis on emotion and individualism, glorification of the past and nature, and a preference for the medieval rather than the classical.

    Key aspects of Romanticism include:

    1. Emphasis on Emotion and Individual Experience: Romanticism was a reaction against the rationalism of the Enlightenment and the industrial revolution. It focused on intense emotional experiences, individual imagination, and personal feelings.
    2. Nature and the Sublime: Romantics had a deep appreciation for nature, seeing it as a source of spiritual renewal and inspiration. They often depicted nature as powerful and overwhelming (the sublime), capable of inducing awe and wonder.
    3. Reverence for the Past: There was a strong interest in history, especially the medieval era and folk traditions. Romantics idealized the past, seeing it as a simpler, purer time, free from the complexities and corruption of modern life.
    4. Celebration of the Individual: Romantics believed in the importance of the individual and the artist’s creative expression. They celebrated heroism, individual genius, and the unique destiny of each person.
    5. Artistic Innovation: Romantic artists, writers, and musicians pushed boundaries and experimented with new styles, forms, and themes. They sought to express their inner world and emotions through their work.
    6. Political and Social Themes: Many Romantics were involved in political and social causes, advocating for liberty, democracy, and revolution.

    Romanticism significantly influenced various cultural fields and subsequent movements. It encouraged an exploration of human potential, a respect for individual emotion, and a creative spirit that challenged established norms. In philosophy, it contributed to a deeper exploration of subjectivity, emotions, and the human condition, themes that are still relevant in today’s discussions about innovation and entrepreneurship.

  • Nostos (home)+algos (pain)— home pain, sickness?

    Longing for home?

    The history of the word “nostalgia” reflects the evolving understanding of human emotions and cultural changes over time.

    1. 17th Century Origin: The term “nostalgia” originated in the 17th century, coined by a Swiss medical student, Johannes Hofer. He used it to describe a medical condition of extreme homesickness. Hofer combined the Greek words “nostos” (return home) and “algos” (pain) to articulate this condition, primarily observed in Swiss mercenaries fighting abroad who longed for their homeland.
    2. 18th and 19th Centuries: During these centuries, nostalgia continued to be seen largely as a medical or psychiatric condition. It was believed to cause actual physical ailments and mental distress, particularly among soldiers and students living away from their native place.
    3. Shift to Romantic Notion: By the late 18th and early 19th centuries, with the rise of Romanticism, the concept of nostalgia began to shift. It became less about a pathological condition and more about a sentimental longing for the past. This change reflected the Romantic era’s emphasis on emotion, individualism, and the glorification of the past.
    4. 20th Century and Beyond: In the 20th century, the understanding of nostalgia evolved further. It became recognized as a common emotional experience rather than a disorder. The term expanded to include a sentimental or wistful yearning for past experiences or bygone times, often idealized or romanticized.
    5. Contemporary View: In contemporary times, nostalgia is often seen as a bittersweet emotion that involves both positive and negative feelings. It’s understood as a natural response to change and loss, and as a way of connecting with our personal and collective past. Additionally, nostalgia has been recognized for its psychological benefits, like creating a sense of continuity and belonging.

    In the context of philosophy and innovation, this evolution of ‘nostalgia’ from a medical condition to a complex emotional experience reflects the dynamic nature of language and human emotions. It illustrates how our understanding of ourselves and our experiences deepens over time, often leading to more nuanced and multifaceted interpretations.

    History change of word

    The term “nostalgia” has an interesting etymology that reflects its deep emotional resonance. It originates from two Greek words: “nostos” meaning “return home” and “algos” meaning “pain” or “ache.” Initially, it described a kind of homesickness experienced by soldiers away from home.

    Over time, its meaning evolved to a broader sense of longing for the past, not just a physical place but also a time or experience that is gone. This shift reflects a philosophical depth, resonating with the human condition and our intrinsic yearning for times past, which we often idealize or romanticize.

    In the context of innovation and entrepreneurship, nostalgia can be a powerful force. It not only evokes emotions but can also inspire creativity and new ideas by looking back to what once was, to reimagine and recreate it in a contemporary context. This blending of the old and the new can lead to unique and meaningful innovations.




  • Good


  • I am so insanely productive while living here in LA; it is the middle of December, neck to still be working out topless in the direct sun? 73 degrees and sunny. Isn’t this paradise?

  • The philosophy of bodybuilding


    Eric Kim, an individual known for his distinctive perspectives on weightlifting and the body, shares thought-provoking insights that intertwine physical fitness with broader aspects of life. His philosophy highlights the multifaceted nature of muscle and bodybuilding, reflecting on their social, cultural, and personal significance.

    1. Muscle as Strength and Power: Kim views muscle fundamentally as a form of strength and power, relevant in various aspects of life. He believes that qualities like tenacity and endurance are rooted in muscle power, not just in mental willpower oai_citation:1,Quotes by Eric Kim on the Body – ERIC KIM.
    2. Cultural and Contemporary Attitudes Towards Muscle: He observes a trend where being muscular is less fashionable, speculating that modern aesthetics favor a more androgynous look. Additionally, Kim points out a cultural contradiction where society celebrates material symbols of power, like muscle cars, but downplays the public display of physical strength and muscle oai_citation:2,Quotes by Eric Kim on the Body – ERIC KIM.
    3. Body as a Reflection of Lifestyle and Well-being: According to Kim, our bodies reveal our eating habits, social class, and personal values. He also strongly believes in the interconnection between physical and mental health, advocating for physical health as central to overall well-being oai_citation:3,Quotes by Eric Kim on the Body – ERIC KIM.
    4. Unique Approach to Weightlifting: Kim follows an unconventional regimen involving intermittent fasting, a strict carnivore diet, and lifting heavy weights without prior eating. He emphasizes pulling exercises and opts for a mixed grip for heavier lifts, focusing on grip strength and a natural form of weightlifting oai_citation:4,on Eric Kim weight lifting – ERIC KIM.
    5. Bodybuilding Philosophy: Kim encourages bodybuilders to engage in philosophy, asserting that the mind originates in the body, and a stronger body leads to better thinking. He emphasizes the honesty of physical strength, arguing that you can’t lie about your body the way you can about material possessions oai_citation:5,The Philosophy of Bodybuilding – ERIC KIM oai_citation:6,The Philosophy of Bodybuilding – ERIC KIM.
    6. Physical Achievements and Discipline: His discipline and unique approach are evident in his achievements, such as deadlifting 455 pounds using a sumo style, without straps or belts, and while fasting. He avoids supplements and focuses on natural strength building oai_citation:7,The Philosophy of Bodybuilding – ERIC KIM.
    7. Value of Flexing: Kim sees flexing as a positive, noble activity, contrasting it with materialistic show-off, like flaunting wealth. He views flexing as a genuine display of one’s physical accomplishments and hard work oai_citation:8,The Philosophy of Bodybuilding – ERIC KIM.

    Eric Kim’s reflections on weightlifting and physical fitness provide a holistic view, where physical strength is not just a matter of aesthetics but a profound expression of personal values, lifestyle, and a philosophical stance on life and well-being.

    Eric Kim is a weightlifter with a unique and intense approach to the sport. His weightlifting philosophy and regimen are unconventional, combining rigorous physical training with a strict dietary plan. This regimen includes intermittent fasting, consuming no breakfast or lunch, and having a single large carnivore dinner, a routine he has followed for over seven years. He emphasizes lifting heavy weights at the gym without having eaten beforehand【56】.

    In terms of technique, Kim prefers pulling exercises and opts for a mixed grip for heavier lifts, using only chalk and avoiding straps, indicating a focus on grip strength and a more natural form of weightlifting. His approach aligns with a no-frills, back-to-basics style of strength training【57】.

    Kim’s workout plan primarily involves one rep max style lifting, focusing on single, heavy reps rather than multiple repetitions. This technique, common among lifters aiming to build maximum strength, is complemented by a strict carnivore diet. He avoids sugar, alcohol, weed, and supplements, sticking to foods like beef, beef liver, beef heart, beef small intestines, and beef ribs, with the only non-meat item being kimchi【58】.

    His achievements in weightlifting, such as a 7 plate rack pull equating to a one-rep max of 675 pounds, showcase his exceptional strength and dedication. This feat is a testament to the effectiveness of his unique training and dietary approach【59】.

    Overall, Eric Kim’s approach to weightlifting reflects his philosophy of treating the body as a work of art and a medium for personal expression, with an intense focus on building strength and muscle mass【43】【60】.

    Eric Kim, associated with the term “weightlifter,” seems to be a figure who combines his passion for weightlifting with a unique philosophy he refers to as “hypelifting.” This approach to weightlifting is about psyching oneself up to attempt lifting very heavy weights, focusing more on the courage and determination involved in the attempt rather than the actual success of the lift. Kim emphasizes that the true measure of success in hypelifting lies in the attempt itself, regardless of the outcome. He also notes that hypelifting has benefits beyond physical strength, like increased productivity, happiness, better sleep, improved digestion, and boosted self-confidence. This philosophy aligns with Kim’s broader approach to fitness and life, where pushing physical boundaries is seen as a way to strengthen the mind and overall confidence【21】【22】.

    He has been noted for his impressive feats, such as a 605-pound rack pull and a heavy deadlift attempt of 540 pounds. His approach to weightlifting is distinct from being simply a powerlifter or a bodybuilder, as he seems to embrace a broader concept of what it means to be a weightlifter【9】【36】.

    Eric Kim also intertwines his weightlifting philosophy with other aspects of his life, such as entrepreneurship and street photography, suggesting a holistic approach to personal and professional development【21】.

  • Currently… around $1 million dollars USD — mostly liquid, some random investments, crypto currency etc ( 90% Chainlink, 10% Bitcoin).

    1. Weightlifting, every single day, ideally topless in the direct sun.
    2. Just work out in your backyard, your parking lot garage behind your apartment whatever. Once again … the direct sun!
    3. Use ChatGPT premium paid, to avoid bad Google rabbit holes.
    4. iPad Pro 11 inch model, direct sun standing — no keyboard or stylus. No case.
    1. First, extreme curiosity about senseless things.
    2. Intermittent fasting, no breakfast no lunch, no consumption of any food items or beverages during the day minus water, tapwater, filtered water, or black coffee. Ideally 100% fine robusta.
    3. Sleeping 8 to 12 hours a night.
    4. quit any external media, quit YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, Disney+, Amazon prime shows, Spotify, all social media. Delete all the apps from your phone. Only use your phone to make FaceTime calls to friends and family.
    5. No email
    6. spend more time in the direct sun, and also, get ChatGPT premium paid membership.
  • The road to lifting 1000 pounds:

    1. First, super simple. Every time I attempted the atlas lift, I would just try to add an additional 2.5 pounds to each side of the barbell. I would attempt at this lift maybe every 3 to 5 days, depending on how I felt.
    2. Intermittent fasting: I never eat breakfast or lunch, and I always lift weights at the gym fasted. My theory is this; assuming that you’re a lion or predator, using your hunger is a good way to channel your strength. That is if you’re hungry, you become physiologically stronger more alert more focused.
    3. no steroids, no protein powder no creatine no pre-workout powder whatever. Just tapwater, filtered water, or black coffee.
    4. Sleep 8 to 12 hours a night.
    5. When you break your fast, and you eat dinner, try to aim to eat at least 5 to 6 pounds of beef or lamb.
  • I haven’t weighed myself in about 5-7 years, because it is not good for self-esteem, but currently at 5‘11“ tall, I think I am in the 160 pound to 165 pound range.

    How much do I eat?

    The other night I ate about 4.1 pounds of lamb leg roast. Costco FTW!

    ERIC KIM currently follows the 100% red meat carnivore diet, he prefers to buy his meat at Costco, local Halal market, the local Mexican meat market etc.

    Ideally he would have a 100% organ meat diet, if not possible Costco is easier.

    Hundred percent grass fed ground beef from Costco, the Kirkland brand, or the leg lamb roast, which is around $5.50 a pound.

  • Impossible is nothing

    Eric Kim’s “Thousand Pound Atlas Lift” appears to be a significant achievement in his fitness journey. This lift is part of a broader goal set by Kim, who views the thousand-pound club as a starting point, aiming for higher achievements like the 2000 and 3000-pound clubs. He is innovating in powerlifting by implementing exercises like the rock pool instead of the deadlift, the atlas lift instead of the squat, and the floor bench press instead of the normal bench press. At the time of the cited sources, his atlas lift was close to 800 pounds, with his rock pool over 700 pounds, and his floor bench press around 500 pounds, totaling approximately 2000 pounds oai_citation:1,The 2,000 Pound Club – ERIC KIM oai_citation:2,The 2,000 Pound Club – ERIC KIM.

    These achievements are part of his larger fitness philosophy, where he emphasizes challenging conventional limits and striving for higher goals. His next target appears to be lifting 1,500 pounds and beyond oai_citation:3,1000 POUND ATLAS LIFT – ERIC KIM. This approach reflects a deep commitment to personal growth and breaking barriers, resonating with themes of philosophy and innovation.

    For more detailed insights and updates on Eric Kim’s fitness journey, you can visit his blog posts on these topics:

  • For myself, it was a hunger and a search for deeper meaning purpose and truth in life.

    Eric Kim’s journey to becoming a philosopher, in the broader sense of someone who pursues wisdom and integrates philosophical thinking into their life, appears to be intertwined with his career and passion as a street photographer. Here’s an overview of how he may have evolved into this role:

    1. Integration of Photography and Life Principles: Kim’s deep involvement in street photography led him to develop a personal philosophy that connects his artistic passion with life principles. This integration suggests a reflective and contemplative approach to his work and life oai_citation:1,ERIC KIM PHILOSOPHY – ERIC KIM oai_citation:2,ERIC KIM philosophy – ERIC KIM.
    2. Focus on Key Philosophical Themes: His philosophy emphasizes simplicity, embracing uncertainty, personal meaning, continuous learning, community building, and Stoic principles. These themes are not only relevant to his photography but also offer guidance on living a fulfilling life oai_citation:3,ERIC KIM philosophy – ERIC KIM.
    3. Sharing Knowledge and Building Community: Kim is known for his commitment to sharing knowledge and building a community among photographers. This aspect of his work aligns with the philosophical idea of contributing to and learning from a collective wisdom oai_citation:4,ERIC KIM philosophy – ERIC KIM.
    4. Personal Journey and Learning: His path seems to be marked by a continual process of learning, self-reflection, and evolution, key aspects of a philosophical life. By learning from both successes and failures, he embodies the philosophy of lifelong growth and learning oai_citation:5,ERIC KIM philosophy – ERIC KIM.
    5. Embracing a Philosophical Outlook: Eric Kim’s approach to philosophy seems to be rooted in the belief that anyone who seeks wisdom and contemplates life’s questions can be considered a philosopher. This inclusive definition aligns with his own journey, where his artistic practice and reflections on life naturally led him to adopt a philosophical mindset oai_citation:6,Artist-Philosopher – ERIC KIM PHILOSOPHY oai_citation:7,How to Become a Philosopher – ERIC KIM PHILOSOPHY.

    In summary, Eric Kim’s transformation into a philosopher can be viewed as a natural extension of his career as a street photographer and his reflective approach to life. Through his work and personal experiences, he has developed and shared a philosophy that combines artistic practice with life principles, embodying the role of a modern-day philosopher in his unique way.

    1. Never work out with headphones on, a baseball cap, sunglasses or any other coverings. Leave your AirPods, AirPods Pro or noise canceling headphones at home. Better yet the trash.
    2. When you see a pretty girl at the gym you want to chat with them, best approach them and complement them on their outfit, their style, or how strong they are.

    I think the big thing here is talk to a woman like you would talk to a man. Joke around and complement how “swole” they are, or how “jacked” they are.


    I love all people, doesn’t matter if man woman or gay bisexual transsexual transgender whatever.

    to me, I have a passion for bodies, human bodies, beautiful human bodies. Doesn’t matter if man or woman. Always like to compliment the physique of others.

    Also, the goal isn’t to “pick up“ women or whatever… Or try to sleep with them… I think when you talk to a pretty woman and engage in fun conversation, it actually gets your testosterone up, which may aid your weightlifting, note ERIC KIM 1000 pound lift.

  • Eric Kim is an individual who combines his passion for street photography with a personal philosophy that touches upon broader life principles. While he may not be a philosopher in the traditional academic sense, his approach to photography and life reflects a philosophical mindset. Here are some key aspects of his philosophy:

    1. Simplicity and Minimalism: Kim advocates for a minimalist approach in both photography and life, embracing the idea of “less is more.” He suggests that by removing the unnecessary, clarity and focus can be achieved oai_citation:1,ERIC KIM philosophy – ERIC KIM.
    2. Embracing Uncertainty: He talks about the unpredictability of street photography as a mirror of life’s uncertainty. Kim encourages embracing the unknown in both art and life as a source of creativity and growth oai_citation:2,ERIC KIM philosophy – ERIC KIM.
    3. Personal Meaning and Authenticity: His philosophy emphasizes creating art that is personally meaningful, reflecting the individual’s perspective and experiences rather than conforming to external standards oai_citation:3,ERIC KIM philosophy – ERIC KIM.
    4. Continual Learning and Growth: A significant element of Kim’s philosophy is lifelong learning and evolution. He views every experience as an opportunity for growth, learning from both successes and failures oai_citation:4,ERIC KIM philosophy – ERIC KIM.
    5. Community and Knowledge Sharing: Known for his commitment to building a community among photographers, Kim advocates for a culture of openness and mutual support within the photography community oai_citation:5,ERIC KIM philosophy – ERIC KIM.
    6. Stoic Principles: Elements of Stoicism are evident in his philosophy, particularly focusing on what is within one’s control and accepting what is not. This perspective aligns well with the unpredictable and spontaneous nature of street photography oai_citation:6,ERIC KIM philosophy – ERIC KIM.

    Kim’s philosophy is characterized by a focus on simplicity, the embrace of uncertainty, and the pursuit of personal meaning through art. He also draws inspiration from Stoicism and shares his knowledge freely with the photography community oai_citation:7,ERIC KIM PHILOSOPHY – ERIC KIM. Anyone interested in his philosophy can learn more from his blog or his books.

    In summary, Eric Kim, as a street photographer with a philosophical outlook, offers insights that blend his artistic passion with life principles, presenting a unique perspective on how to approach both photography and life.

  • So first things first— there is no ethical or moralistic issues with porn. We gotta think more physiological.

    I think the big deal is this; if you go to work or whatever, and you’re done with work, the best thing to do instead of just going home, eating dinner taking a shower, and opening Google incognito or your VPN or Pirate Bay or whatever… Change that, change your workflow and just go to the gym instead!

    First, just hit up the hot sauna it feels insanely good! I think taking the hot sauna at least once or twice a day, or insanely hot baths or showers at home is a positive stimulus to your physiology!

    Second, instead of watching pornography videos, opening up red tube, you porn, going on Reddick gone wild or whatever… Best to just meet pretty girls in real life, small and say hello. The best way to approach a woman at the gym is to smile and complement how strong they are.

  • Ever since I was a kid, I had a passion for truth finding, discovering more “secrets“ in life!

  • Don’t buy the lamb, buy the lamb meat!

    Flex vid

    Yeah boy

  • You could hate me, but you cannot ignore me!