Why Study the Artists Who Have Come Before You?

My idea:

Perhaps the most effective way we learn is via imitation.

And with art, the best way to learn is via practice and play (via imitation!)

I think with art, this is an effective practice:

  1. Consume artwork of others, and figure out what art works speak to you.
  2. Then deconstruct the art works, by tracing the composition, by “eye dropper tool” selecting their colors and playing with their palettes, and reflect — “How do these art works make me feel?”
  3. Then integrate these lessons into creating your own art works.

Active learning

My theory on how we most effectively learn is via imitation, deconstruction — like visual surgery.

To me, the visual world is so endlessly fascinating — it all interests me! For example,

  1. Painting
  2. Graphic design
  3. Photography
  4. Sculpture
  5. Video/film/cinema
  6. Car design
  7. Architecture
  8. Nature
  9. etc

And ultimately — the purpose of studying the works of the master artists who have come before us is this—

To use their art works as a stimulus for us to create our own art works!

For example, studying the abstract artists inspired me to start shooting more abstract photos:

Consume in order to create more!