Eternally Photograph Yourself

  1. Never stop photographing yourself (selfie, showing your soul through the photos you shoot and make).
  2. There is no final “state” for you to become or achieve in photography or art. Eternally delight in change, flux, and your own visual growth and evolution.
  3. Never stop experimenting with new aesthetics, new techniques, new approaches, and new types/styles of images.
  4. The point isn’t to make a perfect photograph, or a timeless photo book/product. The goal is to keep staying motivated and inspired to make photos until you die (hopefully at age 120).
  5. Never stop traveling, exploring new areas, experience new cultures, and meeting new types of people.
  6. Never stick with the same camera for the rest of your whole life; evolve with technology.
  7. Artistic productivity as the means and the final goal.