Only Create What Interests You

If you’re interested in what you’re working on, most likely others will be too!

Where do we go wrong?


This is where I think we often go wrong:

When we work on things which we think that others will like, rather than following our own gut and working on what interests us.


What does it mean to be interesting/unique/different?


It seems that there is no objectively “good” or “bad”, or “better” or “worse.

Instead, there seems to be:



The Same.


This is what I’ve learned in my life:

Whenever I simply followed my own interests, I “succeeded” more in life, because by following my (strange) interests/curiosities– I stood out!


I think what interests me is quite uncommon and “un-basic”. Therefore, it attracts followers who are also “beyond basic” in terms of their thinking.


And for myself, I would rather have a small/loyal/committed following of fellow-thinkers (who I consider my fellow peers), rather than having trillions of “basic” followers.

Your life and time is limited and short. Why waste any moment of your life pursuing what isn’t truly meaningful or interesting to you?

Think and create beyond!