Become Greater than Your Idols

I think it is good to have idols and role models who inspire you, and people which motivate you to greatness.

A thought:

Perhaps we should strive to BECOME GREATER than those who came before us, and to become GREATER than idols we admire (who are still alive today).

“We honor our name by becoming greater than our fathers.”

Said by Stheneos, via Homer (via galen)

We are born more or less blank slates (we have certain genetic predispositions, but I think the power of culture, and socialization is stronger). The knowledge, ambitions, and the desires we acquire are like the software/operating system which governs us.

I have a lot of idols who I admire (alive and dead) whom include:

  • Elon Musk
  • Steve Jobs
  • Kanye West
  • JAY Z
  • Seneca
  • Nietzsche
  • My mom
  • Etc…

Now, I think idols are useful when they motivate you to greatness, instead of making you passive. Some people (when looking up to great individuals) become discouraged by thinking,

No matter how hard I try, I will never be as good as [x].

However what I believe is:

Wow that guy is a human being just like me. Not that much smarter than me. If I am as industrious and clever/scrappy as that person, I can also become great!

To take this a step further; it isn’t just about emulating your idols– it is about striving to become MORE and to become GREATER than your idols!

For example all the idols who I admire have certain character traits which I consider weak or traits which I simply don’t agree with. Instead of criticizing them (this is pointless), I’ll just strive to become the ideal me; to become my ideal self, and to go beyond all the individuals who have come from before myself.


To me, life is all about evolution. And the cool thing is this:

You can direct your own self-evolution.

I don’t necessity think that it is our goal to direct the evolution of everyone. Perhaps we can assist and motivate others who we deem “worthy” or the small group of people who we consider our equals.

For myself my life goals include:

  1. Deepening my philosophical wisdom, knowledge, logic, and Stoic strength.
  2. To evolve as a visual artist; to make images I didn’t even know were possible to make.
  3. To continually become stronger (physically and mentally) until I die.

Go beyond your idols

Go beyond. Go further. As our buddy Buzz Lightyear says:

To infinity and beyond!