Beyond Basic

Life is too short to be basic.

With little to no effort, we can all live good, safe, secure, basic lives. A life where we follow the rules, where we don’t upset anyone else, or ruffle any feathers (Japanese society). If you work diligently, obey authority and rules, one day you can own a BMW 3-series, travel to Europe, pay off the mortgage on your home, and send your kids off to college.

But certainly, shouldn’t we aspire to more in life?

Beyond basic living

Life is too precious to squander it with basic shit. We should strive to be “anti basic”; to strive towards greatness. To question authority and the rules. To upset others and the predominant narrative and social structure.

This means, listening to yourself, your own gut, even though you may piss others off.

Your potential is unlimited; how deeply have you inspected your soul, and how high do you think you can soar?