Photograph What You Love

To find inspiration to make photos, don’t worry about whether the photo will be “good” or not. Simply photograph what makes you happy, what makes you smile; what you love and care about!


My main impetus of #cindyproject is to simply photograph my love of Cindy. My telos (purpose) is to encourage more other photographers to also photograph their loved ones!

If you photograph what you love, you will gain a “positive feedback loop” in your photography.

You photograph what you love/what makes you happy, and when you see photos of what makes you happy, you feel happier, and thus are more motivated to keep shooting new photos of what makes you happy!

Shoot your own happiness

What makes you happy? What puts a smile on your face? Only shoot what brings you joy; life is too short to make depressing photos.

Things to photograph

  1. Photos of your selfie
  2. Photos of your partner, kids, family members, friends, loved ones.
  3. Colorful textures or things you like looking at.
  4. Delicious food, meals, sunsets, coffee
  5. Strangers you are interested in and feel a connection with (street photography)

Anything which you photograph which makes you smile is a good photograph :)