How to Make Photography More Fun for Yourself

I’m having so much fun in my photography as of late, and I wanna share some tips with you (hopefully these can help you enjoy photography more!)

1. Put your selfie in the shot

Include your own shadow, your own hand, your own face, etc.

Why is this fun? You can direct yourself, have fun, goof around, and not take photography so seriously!

2. Colorful candy photo treasure hunt

Shoot colorful things, and have fun mixing and matching different colors! Experiment with flash, or changing your exposure compensation (-1, – 2, etc).

3. Photograph food

I think food photography is underrated. Shoot more photos of your food, meals, or food you find on the streets!

Food is great to photograph because of the different colors, textures, forms, and presentations!

4. Shoot randomly

Don’t always shoot so seriously. Tilt your camera, shoot randomly, don’t always look through the viewfinder. Click randomly, and have fun shooting super random angles:

5. Delete Instagram

It’s probably true that having an Instagram is good for short-term success, but not for long-term.

If you want to thrive as a photographer, social media is your enemy. I can say personally after deleting my Instagram I’m happier, more productive, and more hopeful in my photography. I have been focusing more on pleasing myself, than my followers! This is the ultimate liberation in photography — to shoot for yourself!


Shoot more, have more fun, and show more of your personal happiness in your photography!