The Insatiable Desire to Make New Photos

As photographers, we have it in our DNA to desire to create new photos, for all of eternity!


Do you get high off life? Do you love experiencing new things and seeing new things?

If so, you have the soul of the photographer-artist.

What makes photography different from other forms of art?

If you’re a painter, you can sit at home and paint. If you’re a sculptor, you can also do this inside your home or studio.

But as photographers, we are a different breed of artist. We are wanderers, visual conquerers, and visually hungry wolves. We generally cannot sit down; we have an insatiable desire constantly explore more, see more, and create more!

There is no final destination

In the past I made the sucker mistake of thinking that there was a “final destination” I needed to “arrive” in photography/art/life.

The truth is this:

You can win all the awards and accolades in photography, art, and life– but you will still get bored (quickly afterwards).

I did some reflecting, and realized that although I achieved all of my life goals, and achieved what others would consider happiness, it wasn’t the same as my own happiness and personal virtues.

For myself, I approach happiness on a daily basis. And it is 100% independent; I can produce my own happiness for myself. I don’t need the approval or applause of anyone else. In fact, I don’t even need my own applause; simply being active and creatively productive is enough for myself!

The ecstacy of constant creation

I’m only happy when I’m creating. Creating blog posts, photos, books, words, beats, information, whatever. When I’m in the rapture of active creation, I am in a state of bliss. I become one with my creative work, and I achieve momentary apotheosis (becoming a creative god).


So as a concluding note, some takeaway ideas:

  1. Walk at least 1 hour everyday, camera in-hand (of course shoot photos too!)
  2. Everyday shoot photos, everyday process photos, and everyday upload new photos to your own website/blog
  3. To be happier, produce more new photos. The constant state of becoming as a photographer-visual artist is the most fun for us!