What is Worthy of You?

Beyond pain and pleasure in life — focus what you consider worthy of yourself.

Memento mori

Remember, you will and must die. You at best have 120 years to live. At worst you might die today.

We only have a limited amount of human metabolism and energy in a day. Thus the question is:

How can we best leverage our human metabolism in our lives, to only do things and create things which we consider worthy of ourselves?

In praise of pride

The notion of what is “worthy” and “unworthy” of you is relayed to your personal pride, your personal self-estimate (self-esteem of yourself), and what you think you’re worth.

For example, I don’t consider cleaning houses for a living worthy of myself, because I feel this is something a Roomba can do (in fact, I wish that all menial duties could be done by robots, which would allow human beings to use their human metabolism and life in more meaningful and creative ways).

In short,

Don’t do what you think others can do, or don’t do anything which you consider others can do better than you.

This means have pride in your personal strengths, skills and what makes you unique. It means identifying your own personal “Archimedes lever” in life (your most epic strength which you can leverage to make the maximum impact in the world).

For example I consider my archimedes lever as blogging: with blog posts or vlogs, I can reach the maximum amount of people (scalable), and also maximize my impact on other people with my ideas.

Don’t do what you consider is unworthy of yourself

Prioritize your personal life missions, goals, or what you consider your supreme ‘life task’. Only you can determine and dictate this for yourself.

When you are on the road of pursuing grandeur, you will always meet people who tell you that what you’re doing is unrealistic, what you’re doing is a waste of time, what you’re doing is ‘selfish’, and essentially — that if you pursue something which is contrary to the morals/ethics of the other person — that you’re an idiot.

However in life, we should NEVER allow others to judge, criticize, or change our own personal code of morals and ethics. In a civilized society, we should allow for tolerance for others to have their own opinion, thoughts, and ideas. Furthermore, OTHERS should be tolerant toward OUR OWN belief-systems/morals/ethics.

Zen sand curve

If you have determined that something in your life has supreme importance, never let anyone tell you otherwise, or prevent you from pursuing that epic path in life.

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