Why Fortune Favors the Brave

If you want to be epic in life, you must be brave, take chances, and take epic risks.

Has a meek person ever achieved or done anything epic in their lives?

Being brave and taking risks in life doesn’t guarantee that you will achieve epic things in life, but being meek and taking no risks will guarantee your failure.

Where does bravery come from?

I personally believe that bravery is a skill that we cultivate through practice and real life exposure.

No child is born braver than another. However unfortunately a lot of children are brainwashed to become afraid and more risk averse as a consequence of their overprotective helicopter parents.

I’m fortunate enough that I was raised by the best mom ever, who gave me pretty much 100% freedom as a child growing up. This taught me peroenal autonomy, independence, and it taught me not to be afraid of anything or anyone.

Why be brave?

Is there a practical utility to being brave? Why be brave anyways?

First of all, I think life is far less boring and more interesting when we take the brave and risky options in life.

Secondly, taking risks and being brave makes us stronger; both physically and mentally. If you want to lift heavier weights at the gym, you must not be afraid of “hurting yourself” (as other people try to scare you).

Thirdly, when you’re brave and put yourself out there, you will start building up a following, you will gain influence, and you will have the opportunity to make a deeper impact on earth. I don’t think it really matters what your beliefs are, as long as you don’t censor yourself and as long as your opinion and thoughts are genuine.

Furthermore by being brave yourself, you can inspire others to to be brave; a chain reaction of bravery to benefit all of mankind.

What do you got to lose?

You got nothing to lose, everything to gain.

Be brave, be courageous, and sometimes a bit insane. Say what’s on your mind and brain, and know that courage is all training and practice.

You lack nothing. You have it all.

When life is dangerous, will you fall and cower? Or will you put on your armor and battle all the hours?

Brave on!