Why You Must Look at Your Old Photos

The importance of looking at your old work:

As photographers, of course we must always be making new photos and work. But let us also not forget the importance of looking back at our old work!

Why it is important to look at your old work:

  1. Disocvering certain photos that you might have not liked in the past, but with time and “marination”, you really like them! Often we need time to determine whether we like the photos or not.
  2. Re-living and re-experiencing wonderful past memories. I think remembering your past fond memories is equivalent (or similar) in the sensation of experiencing it for the first time. I often enjoy looking at my old photos because I often forget where I’ve been, or what I’ve done this year! And by looking at my past photos and life experiences, I can see the progress I’ve made since then, which brings me great joy.
  3. Ability to curate your portfolio of images; your portfolio is constantly in a state of flux. You’re adding new images to your portfolio, and removing images.
  4. When you’re looking at your old photos, you can judge and critique them more honestly and objectively. Time is the ultimate judge and counselor of your images.

So friend as a tip, revisit your old photos. I personally use Dropbox to look at my old images. I will export old photos, then add them to a new “version” folder, to keep distilling the images:

Shoot on, and live on!


Sài Gòn 2018

Photos I shot from the last trip to Saigon, on Lumix G9:

Never stop shooting and exploring!