Why is Photography So Fun?

What makes photography fun? Our opportunity to interact with the real world!

Is real life better than virtual life?

I was watching Ready Player One, and thinking about modern technology and realized:

In today’s online, plastic, digital, and “virtual reality” world, the role of the photographer is even more important!

Or another idea:

Because we spend so much time in front of screens all day, it’s good for us to go out and make photos on a daily basis, simply as a way to interact more with reality!

In short,

Photography motivates us to interact more with reality.

Would you just take photos in virtual reality?

An idea:

If you could live in a virtual world, would you also take photos in this virtual world?

I think we would. Imagine Pokémon snap (video game on N64 where you could photograph the virtual Pokémon). But a video game or virtual photography simulation will never be as fun as the real thing.


Real life is unpredictable, random, chaotic, and noisy!

Perhaps that is what makes photography fun: it allows us to embrace this chaos and randomness of everyday life, and the fun challenge of making a beautiful photograph in the midst of all this insanity.

Never stop exploring and shooting

So as a simple takeaway, use photography as an opportunity to go on more adventures. Explore more. See more. Leave your house and apartment more. Shoot more of what interests you, and take more risks in life!