Perfect Photography

Dear friend,

A simple idea:

There are no rights or wrongs in photography. Seek to make perfect photos for yourself. And never forget– there are no rules in photography!

Perfect photos?

Of course there is no such thing as a ‘perfect’ photo — meaning, the ability to make a photograph that pleases 100% of your audience.

However I think it possible for you to seek to make perfect photos for yourself. For you to choose photography as your primary art-form, and the purpose of your life is this:

Seek to make perfect photos for yourself.

You are your own judge

This is the fun part:

You are the only judge of your pictures.

This means:

  1. Don’t desire to impress others with your photos (only seek to impress yourself with your pictures).
  2. Dictate what you consider a beautiful or perfect photo– then relentlessly seek to create those types of images.
  3. Generally speaking, a perfect photo is a picture when you look at it– you don’t find any faults with it. Not only that, but a perfect photo is a picture you personally love looking at! In other words, ask yourself: “If someone else took this photo, would I still love it?”

Anti-Social Media

About a year+ ago, I deleted my Instagram. This has probably been the single best thing I’ve done (so far) in order to elevate myself, my artistic vision, and my photography.

Why Anti-Social Media?

The problem with social media:

You end up compromising your artistic vision.

Why? This is my rationale:

You start off uploading photos you like. But over time, you start to learn which photos get more likes than others. Thus, you end up starting to only upload photos to maximize your likes (rather than photos you personally like).

Because this is the truth:

If you are truly innovating in your photography, doing something really unique or interesting– of course the masses won’t ‘get’ it, or like it.

For example, if we used numbers to validate the legitimacy of something– then McDonalds would be the world’s best restaurant, then Starbucks would be the best coffee, and Kim Kardashian would be the most influential human being on planet Earth.

Don’t demand less from yourself

Simple questions for you:

  1. If you never uploaded photos online– would you still shoot photos? I hope so.
  2. If you never shared your photos with others, would you still be able to determine whether your photos are any good?
  3. If you didn’t know what others thought of your photos, would you still know whether you like your photos or not?

Seek to impress yourself

Seek a small perfection in yourself, for yourself. If you follow this principle; everything else in your photography will take care of itself!


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