• The more I think about bitcoin, the better it becomes 

  • A purely peer to peer version of electronic cash, 

    A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.

    Cost of mediation is high

    “Electronic coin”

    Wow … Satoshi is a genius!!!


  • Cool

    In Peter Thiel’s Zero to One, he outlines the impact new technology has on building a non-zero sum future. While the book is focused on individuals and companies, bitcoin as a monetary system is the ultimate zero to one technology leap. For historical examples, Thiel highlights the advent of the steam engine as well as the shift from typewriters to computer processors among others. He also articulates a view that innovation has largely stagnated since the early 1970s, while noting that technological progress since then has been more 1 to n than 0 to 1. Bitcoin fixes this. Bitcoin’s innovation is not only zero to one; it is fundamentally distinct from the class of innovation that is the focus of Thiel’s book. Bitcoin is a monetary protocol built on digital scarcity, the impact of which will be far broader than steam engines and computer processors.


  • Essentially the titan fitness farmer’s carry handles, with 5 plates on each side. I think the handle is roughly around 25 pounds.


  • Enjoying the whole day without ever having to step foot inside a car?

    100% pedestrian and metro lifestyle!

  • Is it possible to educate your kid, without ever having to jump into a car? Only walking, public transit?

  • Chromosomes!

    Man is XY, Woman is XX

    Men have denser bones, larger heart and lung capacities compared to women.

    The scientific deciliters difference of hormones between men and women.

    1. Testosterone : 270-1070 nano grams per deciliter vs 15-70 Nano grams per deciliter. Big difference.
    2. Estrogen: Men have 10-40 pick grams per milliliter, women have 30-400 Pictogramm per millimeter.
    3. Progesterone: less than 1 or .1ng/dl, women have about 25 ng/ml or 2.5 ng/dl during luteal phase.

    What’s progesterone?

    Progesterone is a steroid hormone that plays a critical role in the human body, particularly in regulating reproductive functions. Here are some key aspects of progesterone and its functions:


    • In Women: Progesterone is primarily produced in the ovaries following ovulation each month. It is also produced in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands, and during pregnancy, the placenta becomes a major source.
    • In Men: While progesterone is often considered a “female” hormone, it is also produced in men, predominantly by the adrenal glands and the testes, although in much lower quantities compared to women.


    1. Reproductive Health: In women, progesterone prepares the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) for the potential of pregnancy after ovulation. It thickens the endometrium to provide a nurturing environment for a fertilized egg. If pregnancy occurs, progesterone helps to maintain the uterine lining throughout.
    2. Menstrual Cycle Regulation: Progesterone plays a key role in the latter half of the menstrual cycle, helping to regulate the build-up and shedding of the uterine lining.
    3. Pregnancy: During pregnancy, progesterone helps to maintain a healthy environment in the uterus by stimulating glandular growth and preventing uterine contractions that could disrupt implantation or cause premature labor.
    4. Other Roles: Progesterone also influences breast development and can affect mood and libido. It’s involved in the development of the mammary glands, particularly during pregnancy, preparing them for lactation.

    Health Implications

    • Hormonal Imbalances: Imbalances in progesterone levels can lead to various health issues, such as menstrual irregularities, infertility, symptoms of PMS, and menopausal symptoms.
    • Therapeutic Uses: Progesterone is used therapeutically in hormone replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms, in certain birth control methods, and to support pregnancy in cases of recurrent miscarriages.

    Progesterone’s role in both the menstrual cycle and pregnancy underscores its importance in reproductive health, and its levels and function are key indicators of hormonal health in women.

    The hormonal differences between men and women are significant and impact various physiological and behavioral traits. Hormones, particularly sex hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, play crucial roles in defining sexual characteristics and functions. Here’s an overview of how these hormones differ quantitatively between men and women, often measured in deciliters of blood:


    • Men: Normal testosterone levels in men range from about 270 to 1070 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter), with an average level of around 679 ng/dL.
    • Women: In women, testosterone levels are much lower, typically between 15 and 70 ng/dL.


    • Women: Estrogen levels in women vary significantly throughout the menstrual cycle, ranging from about 30 to 400 pg/mL (picograms per milliliter), which translates roughly to 0.3 to 4 ng/dL. The levels peak during ovulation.
    • Men: Men also produce estrogen but at much lower levels, generally around 10 to 40 pg/mL, or 0.1 to 0.4 ng/dL.


    • Women: Like estrogen, progesterone levels in women fluctuate with the menstrual cycle, ranging from less than 1 ng/mL (or 0.1 ng/dL) to about 25 ng/mL (or 2.5 ng/dL) during the peak of the luteal phase.
    • Men: Men have consistently low levels of progesterone, typically less than 1 ng/mL (or 0.1 ng/dL).

    These hormonal levels are crucial in understanding the biological differences between men and women, affecting everything from reproductive functions to muscle mass, fat distribution, and even the risk of certain diseases. Hormones influence many aspects of health and behavior, making them a key area of study in both medicine and psychology.

    Differences between men and women in humans span biological, psychological, and social dimensions. These differences are influenced by a combination of genetics, hormones, environmental factors, and cultural expectations. Here’s a breakdown of these key differences:

    Biological Differences

    1. Chromosomal and Hormonal: Men typically have one X and one Y chromosome (XY), while women have two X chromosomes (XX). Hormonally, men have higher levels of testosterone, which influences body structure, muscle mass, and reproductive functions. Women produce more estrogen and progesterone, affecting reproductive health, fat distribution, and bone density.
    2. Reproductive Systems: Men have reproductive organs geared towards producing and delivering sperm, while women’s reproductive systems are designed for ovulation, fertilization, and childbirth.
    3. Physical Attributes: Men generally have greater muscle mass, denser bones, and larger heart and lung capacities compared to women. Women typically have a higher body fat percentage, which supports reproductive functions and hormonal balance.

    Psychological Differences

    1. Cognitive Abilities: Research shows that, on average, there are slight differences in certain cognitive abilities; however, these differences are often small and influenced by social and environmental factors. For example, men may perform better in tasks requiring visuospatial skills, while women often excel in verbal fluency and memory tasks.
    2. Emotional Expression: Cultural norms often encourage women to express emotions more freely than men, leading to perceived differences in emotional expression. However, the intrinsic emotional capacities are similar across genders.
    3. Risk-Taking and Aggression: Men generally display higher levels of physical aggression and are more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviors, influenced partly by hormonal differences such as higher testosterone levels.

    Social and Cultural Differences

    1. Gender Roles: Socially and culturally constructed roles can lead to different expectations, behaviors, and opportunities for men and women. These roles influence career choices, family responsibilities, and personal aspirations.
    2. Communication Styles: Women are often observed to use more collaborative and empathetic communication styles, while men may adopt a more assertive and competitive approach. These styles are heavily shaped by societal expectations and upbringing.
    3. Healthcare and Longevity: Women typically live longer than men but may experience more non-fatal health issues throughout their lives. Men are more likely to die from heart disease at a younger age and are less likely to seek medical help compared to women.

    Economic and Educational Differences

    1. Educational Attainment: In many parts of the world, women now surpass men in educational attainment in terms of higher education degrees. However, disparities still exist in specific fields, such as STEM for women and humanities for men.
    2. Economic Opportunities: There are ongoing disparities in income, with women generally earning less than men across most professions. Additionally, women are often underrepresented in leadership roles and high-paying industries.

    It’s important to approach these differences with an understanding that individual variations are vast, and not all men or women will conform to these generalized patterns. Social, cultural, and personal factors play a significant role in shaping the experiences and capabilities of individuals beyond their biological sex.

  • In cattle, there are several notable differences between males (bulls) and females (cows) that go beyond the obvious roles in reproduction. These differences can be categorized into physical, behavioral, and physiological aspects:

    Physical Differences

    1. Size and Build: Bulls are generally larger and more muscular than cows. They have a more robust frame, thicker necks, and a larger bone structure, all of which support their role in competition for mates and herd protection.
    2. Horns: While both sexes can have horns, bulls often have thicker and sometimes longer horns. The shape and size of the horns can vary significantly depending on the breed.
    3. Body Composition: Bulls typically have a higher muscle to fat ratio compared to cows, which have higher body fat percentages to support pregnancy and lactation.

    Behavioral Differences

    1. Aggression: As previously mentioned, bulls are more aggressive, which is largely influenced by higher testosterone levels. This aggression serves them in protecting the herd and establishing dominance.
    2. Territoriality: Bulls are more territorial than cows and often engage in behaviors to mark and defend their territory, especially during mating seasons.
    3. Social Structure: Cows tend to be more social and form close-knit groups with other cows and their calves. Bulls, while social to an extent, are often more solitary or stay on the periphery of the herd unless it’s breeding season.

    Physiological Differences

    1. Reproductive Roles: The primary role of a bull in a herd is to impregnate cows, while cows carry and give birth to calves, followed by a period of lactation where they nurse their young.
    2. Hormonal Profiles: Bulls have higher levels of testosterone, which affects their physical development and behavior. Cows experience cycles of hormones like estrogen and progesterone that regulate their reproductive cycle.
    3. Lactation: Only cows lactate and are involved in the nurturing of calves. This physiological role impacts their nutritional requirements and health management.

    Management Practices

    • Handling and Safety: Bulls require different handling techniques due to their size and aggression. Safety measures are more stringent around bulls.
    • Nutritional Needs: Bulls and cows have different nutritional needs based on their roles and physical demands. Bulls may require diets higher in energy to maintain their larger muscle mass, while cows need nutrition that supports lactation and pregnancy.

    Understanding these differences is crucial for effective cattle management and breeding, ensuring that both bulls and cows are healthy and productive in their respective roles within agricultural practices.

    Bulls are typically more aggressive than cows primarily due to hormonal differences and breeding. Bulls have higher levels of testosterone, a hormone that influences aggression and dominance behaviors, which is crucial for their role in mating and defending the herd.

    Additionally, bulls are often bred specifically for traits such as strength and aggression, especially in contexts like bullfighting or when used to protect a herd. This selective breeding can enhance aggressive tendencies.

    Behaviorally, bulls also display aggression as a way to establish dominance within a herd, which is important for their mating rights. On the other hand, cows are generally more docile and focused on nurturing their young rather than dominance or territorial disputes, reflecting different roles and behaviors driven by both biology and the environment.

  • Not castrated bull—

    Modern day man is castrated?

    bull is an intact (i.e., not castrated) adult male of the species Bos taurus (cattle). More muscular and aggressive than the females of the same species (i.e. cows proper), bulls have long been an important symbol in many religions, including for sacrifices. These animals play a significant role in beef ranchingdairy farming, and a variety of sporting and cultural activities, including bullfighting and bull riding.

    Due to their temperament, handling of bulls requires precautions

    Due to their temperament, handling a goals requires precautions?

    I wonder if similarly, modern day man should consider himself the same. The modern day man, should be handled carefully, because men also have a certain temperament.

    Systems of control

    Why is it that, according to Confucianism, physicality or manliness is not encouraged?


    How is it that my dad, this kind of strange, sickly, skinny fat loser of a man, dominate so much in the household, and also over my poor mom?

    And also, why is it that in high school, when I gained full physical maturity, and physical and muscular dominance, that I did not intervene?

    1. Language: Even though English is my dominant language, still in the family, I could not intervene in English? Because Korean was the de facto language of the household? I’ve actually found that in Asian, Asian American families, whatever… A lot of injustices from the parents to the kids, happens because of the language power barrier. Suggestion: speak English instead.
    2. Confucianism: This is where kind of this weird moralistic training happened; that even though physically I could intervene, in terms of the universe worldview, I couldn’t? Intervention: fuck Confucianism!

    What type of philosophy existed in China before Confucianism?

    Before Confucianism became prominent, several schools of thought influenced Chinese philosophy, particularly during the period known as the Spring and Autumn period (approximately 771 to 476 BCE) and the Warring States period (475 to 221 BCE). The main philosophical strands that existed before and alongside the early development of Confucianism include:

    1. Shamanism and Ancestor Worship: Early Chinese religious beliefs were characterized by shamanism, which involved communication with spirits and the worship of natural forces and ancestors. These practices laid the foundation for later philosophical and religious developments, emphasizing rituals and the veneration of ancestors, which were later integrated into Confucian rituals.
    2. Legalism: Although Legalism reached its peak after Confucianism had begun to develop, it represents a set of earlier authoritarian principles focusing on strict laws and harsh punishments to maintain state control and social order. This philosophy was pragmatic and cynical about human nature, contrasting sharply with Confucian moral optimism.
    3. Daoism (Taoism): While Daoism as a formal philosophy crystallized around the same time as Confucianism, the ideas that later became Daoist were already present. Daoism emphasizes living in harmony with the Dao (the fundamental nature of the world), simplicity, spontaneity, and non-interference with the course of natural events, offering a counterpoint to the more social and ethical focus of Confucianism.
    4. Mohism: Founded by Mozi, Mohism was contemporary with Confucianism and emphasized universal love, meritocracy, and practical problem-solving. Mohists believed in loving all people equally and opposed the Confucian emphasis on ritual and tradition, advocating instead for a utilitarian approach to governance and society.
    5. Yin-Yang School and the Five Elements: These cosmological concepts were part of the intellectual milieu of the time. The Yin-Yang school focused on the interplay of opposite forces and their harmonious balance, while the Five Elements theory (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) described different states of change in the cosmos, influencing various schools of thought, including medicine and divination.

    These diverse philosophies provided a rich intellectual context for the development of Confucianism, which, while initially just one among many competing schools of thought, eventually came to dominate Chinese thinking and social structure, particularly from the Han dynasty onward.

    Confucius believed that prioritizing inner virtues over external attributes like physical strength would lead to a more harmonious and morally upright society for several reasons:

    1. Moral Excellence: Confucius considered moral virtues such as benevolence, righteousness, and propriety to be the essence of human excellence. He believed that cultivating these virtues within individuals would lead to a more ethical and compassionate society.
    2. Social Harmony: By emphasizing inner virtues, Confucianism promotes harmonious relationships within families, communities, and society as a whole. When individuals prioritize moral character, they are more likely to treat others with respect, empathy, and kindness, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation.
    3. Ethical Leadership: Confucius emphasized the importance of ethical leadership in governance. Leaders who possess inner virtues are more likely to govern with fairness, justice, and compassion, promoting stability and prosperity within society.
    4. Personal Fulfillment: According to Confucian teachings, true fulfillment comes from living a life guided by moral principles and ethical conduct rather than pursuing external achievements or material wealth. By focusing on inner virtues, individuals can achieve a sense of purpose, contentment, and fulfillment in their lives.

    Overall, Confucius believed that prioritizing inner virtues was essential for creating a morally upright and harmonious society where individuals could fulfill their social roles with integrity and contribute positively to the greater good.

  • 51/49 odds against you — Casinos, “the house always wins”—

    Gambling = game

    To joke, to play

    Gamenian:to entertain or enjoy oneself; to display happiness or joy

    ga+mann (*men— to think, have in mind).

    men, mens… mental.

    from Proto-Germanic *gamaną (“amusement, pleasure, game”, literally “participation, communion, people together”), from *ga- (collective prefix) + *mann- (“man”); or alternatively from *ga- + a root from Proto-Indo-European *men- (“to think, have in mind”).

    The etymology of the word “gambling” traces back to the Middle English word “gamen,” meaning “game” or “play”. The term evolved from “gamen” to “gamel” (to play games), and then to the verb “gamel-en,” which means to participate in games, particularly those involving stakes or bets. Over time, the “l” was dropped, leading to the form “gamen,” which further evolved into “gambling.”

    This transition reflects the change in context from playing games in general to specifically participating in activities that involve wagering or betting, thus emphasizing the risk and chance elements rather than merely the act of playing. The term “gambling” eventually came to represent activities where stakes or something of value are risked on an uncertain outcome, with the intent of winning additional resources or money.

  • EXCITED! Woot!

  • Manly Thoughts

    Who Has the Biggest Dick in the Room?

    I think for us men, much of life, modern day life is just a massive dick measuring contest. But the question is, if indeed and in fact, you do have the biggest dick, so what?

    The first question is, is your joy or your desire to just swing it around, and joy in throwing it all around? Probably one of the hottest moments of my life was when some guy at the gym, tried to pump me, when I was stretching my leg saying that I look like Jackie Chan or almost kicked him and made some kung fu sounds, I approached him afterwards, and I pretended to swing my dick at him, and then I just joked around with him and had a chat with him.

    Cyber truck

    This is where cyber truck is so fastening to me, truth be told, it seems that out of all of the cars in LA, if you’re driving a cyber truck, you certainly have the biggest dick in town, the biggest, the most grand, the most stainless steel dick on the planet. 

    I think this is where the whole Overlanding movement and trend is so fascinating; the name of the game is who could be the tallest, the most dominant on the road? So it seems like on a basic trend, he is tallest, shall win.

    This is where things become funny because there are lots of inconsistencies here.

    First, it seems that traditionally, if you live more in a cosmopolitan area or city, Apex and manliness, having the biggest dick is having some sort of Lamborghini, or Ferrari, or maybe Porsche close to the ground. This is where the cyber truck is so disruptive; You just break out of the whole categories, you break out of the segment. You’re no longer trying to flex your sports card, but you have a whole new invention and concept; a truck.

    I think what is so fascinating about cyber truck, if you look at the overall profile, it almost looks like a Lamborghini cage, but even more angular.

    Also, I’ve seen a handful of cyber trucks now, out in the wild, in the real world, and what is so impressive is that the stainless deal when you see it in the bright Los Angeles light is actually very very impressive.

    No more loser Rivian

    For a hot minute, it looks like the hot car to have in Los Angeles is the Rivian R1 S SUV– honestly I think it’s a really cool car. Essentially it’s almost like the new Range Rover of Los Angeles; it seems that both men and women like to drive it.

    First, I think it is built on a similar chassis to the R1 truck, which means that it has superior height, which seems that everyone in Los Angeles loves. I think the whole ethos is you want to treat your car like an armored vehicle, or a tank. The general idea is that in Los Angeles, because the place is such a concrete cluster fuck, people feel protected in their armored vehicles, a.k.a. their Mercedes-Benz AMG wagons, and even the whole notion of getting all black everything murdered out car with full tents is that people want to feel like Batman, Ready to take on the world.

    How to get that big D energy

    I think there is a meme going around on the Internet, something like big energy, big D energy, whatever. The basic ID I think is that he who has really really high levels of testosterone, essentially big dick confidence energy, is calm, masculine, Tall and strong, dominant, and cheerfully confident. ERIC KIM.

    I think the reason why I am so disruptive is that typically people do not equate masculinity with Asian, Asian American guys. In the past, I think an Asian American man or an Asian man, was never masculine per se; he was kind of more of a sorcerer. For example, if you think about Bruce Lee, maybe even Jackie Chan, their strength and their power is almost comedic, and is based on meta physical principles like Kung fu or knowing some sort of magical trigger point, which would cause their heart to explode or something.

    However, ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be masculine, a tank, like or no Schwarzenegger, with seeing the huge muscles, indomable. In fact, when I was a kid back in New York, Bayside Queens, certainly I was known as being the strongest out of all my friends, and then growing up, I continued this trend. in high school, I wanted to take on the most hard-core manly sport, which in America is currently American football. So I join the team, my sophomore year I was outside linebacker, and then junior year I became middle linebacker. Essentially in defense, the middle linebacker is the head honcho. We called the calls, and we are also the last line of defense.

    What women will never understand about men 

    I think nowadays the modern day trend is for me to understand woman… But, there doesn’t seem to be any effort either way, woman seeking to understand man.

    It is true… Man is dominant in society, man holds the power, the true power. Even if you put the clog forward 1 billion years, as long as men are physically and physiologically taller, more muscular and dominant, you’ll never see women becoming superior to man.

    So the philosophical question:

    Should those empower seek to understand those with less power, or vice versa?

    In other words, the trend is according to Christian modern day ethics, notions of equality, the overall trend is that those who are privileged, rich, upon high should seek to understand the poor, the lowly, the disenfranchised. Yet there is not an opposite case in which the poor the lonely the powerful made to understand the rich and the powerful.

    My case?

    So my case is unique and interesting and so far much as technically I come from a family of privilege, on both sides–

    Yet, having both my family members, my dad and my mom coming to the states, was almost like a hard reset. As a consequence, even though we had a lot of social economic support back home in Korea, in the states we were quite poor.

    Fast-forward a bit, now that I am now 36 years old, being born in 1988, then moving back to LA… I’m an interesting position, I guess I’m a full-blown adult now. As a consequence, there becomes a new battle, a new Contest for manliness and masculinity, which has to do more with social economic power. For example, who is the richest in the room, whose Ferrari has the biggest dick? 


    A few months ago, I was walking around Culver City, near one of the fancy hotels, is that always do, topless. And a dude at the hotel checking up on his Ferrari comes out to me, in his Playboy looking Paisley flower dress shirt, noticeably shorter than me, Comes up to me and tries to jab at me and says “What is this, no shirt Thursdays?” — essentially, signifying in highlighting the fact that he indeed was insecure about his own masculinity, and he felt bad that he saw a dude way more jacked than him, his own body being much more impressive than his loser Ferrari. Of course, I didn’t let this loser guy punk me, and then actually stepped closer to him, showing him in the flesh that I was indeed much taller bigger stronger and more dominant than him, and then I started to tease him about his loser Ferrari. 

    So in LA, I’ve actually found that most of the successful guys, the rich guys, are all pretty short. They all look like actors in the face, strong piercing eyes, masculine looking forehead and eyebrows, strong jawline, big head, but once they pop out of their loser Range Rover or their loser AMG G WAGON,  they are like 5‘6“ tall. For reference I am about 5‘11“ tall– 180, 182cm.

    The contest for dominance

     I recall, back in middle school, even a little bit of high school… Some of the kids were the biggest bullies were actually very very small and short, but for some reason had a lot of self-confidence?

    Something that never really made sense to me was that they would punk on kids almost 2 feet taller than them, and may be also weighing about 100 pounds more than them. If they both gone to a fistfight, certainly the bigger, fatter, heavier kid would be able to take on the shorter and smaller bully. But, they didn’t. Why not?

    I think nowadays, despite what you see in these fake movies, bowling is not predicated on physical size or dominance, but rather, some sort of coolness clout? Like who is richer, who comes from crater social privilege etc.

    For example, in high school, the really cool brand was Ecko– they were really expensive, I think a T-shirt was about 35 $40, and a hoodie was almost maybe 70 or $80! No way in hell I could afford that. 

    So anyways, it seems that modern day times, masculinity is measured by dollars. He who has more money is considered more masculine and more dominant. 

    The body as the ultimate toy?

    This is where weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding is a little bit productive; it posits that the body, the human body is the ultimate thing of admiration and worth.

    But obviously the number one issue is taking steroids, injections, weird hormonal things testosterone etc.

    But, detaching yourself from nonsensical supplements, steroids, whether they be “natural, or not… The body is the ultimate toy, the ultimate tool and instrument. 

    “Life without music would be a mistake” – Nietzsche 

    The human body could be seen as music, a musical instrument and dance. In fact, to dance in public, or to dance in front of other people might be wanting the most courageous things that one could do. 

    Pet peeves?

    I don’t like making eye contact with emasculated, emasculated, low testosterone men.

    If anything I wonder… man with low testosterone, or with no masculinity… is he even a man anymore? 

    Perhaps I am the great hater and tyrant?

    Sometimes, I have this moral indignation that somehow I’m the good guy, and that whenever I treat people nicely and they do not reciprocate, it infuriates me. But maybe a more productive way to think about this is that actually impact, I am the bad guy, I’m the tyrant, I’m the asshole, and I act… Maybe I should delight in being the bully or the bad guy?

    The notion of the bull, bully it literally comes from the notion of bull, typically seen as the strongest, the most dominant animal with the most strength. Even Lamborghini, what is the logo and emblem? The raging bull. 

    Become more bull-like 

    Also in regards to finances, maybe a simple fitness soft shift is that we should only be long or bullshit about certain things, instead of being bearish, or shorting things.

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong about shortselling, I think it is another market dynamic which makes the market work. There needs to be short sellers, and also sellers, or buyers and sellers, some people who are bullish and optimistic about things, and other individuals who are bearish or pessimistic about things.

    But maybe in terms of philosophy, a good idea is to become more like a bull — insane, extreme optimism!

    What else?

    The mass and the strength and the power and ferocity of the bull? 

    “I’m a bull just like the hometown!” – Ye

    Why is it that Michael Jordan, the Chicago Bulls, the Bulls will always be number one in history?

    First, the colors. I think the color red is and will always be the most dominant color. For example, when it comes to looking at traffic lights, what is the most important color? Red. They call it a stoplight, not a “go” light.  Also, there’s a reason why really really important critical things are in red, stop signs, the color of blood, firetrucks, etc.

    Also, if you think about this long-term, apparently the Apex outfit or dress for anybody to wear is all red. For example the woman with the beautiful red dress, or even better yet in modern day times, if I ever buy a new tuxedo or outfit, I will want an all red blood red tuxedo. Or think about the infamous red leather jacket of Tyler Durden and Brad Pitt fight club.

    This is also why Ferrari will always be superior to Lamborghinis, because the official color of a Ferrari is red, whereas Lamborghini is yellow. Yellow is good, and also very attractive, but red is better. 

    Ultra red

    Sometimes I think I spend a lot of time thinking about nonsense, superficial things, but ultimately, I think this all matters.

    For example, cars. What is the best car color? The new Tesla ultra red is phenomenal. If you see in real life, on the new Tesla model three, or even the Tesla model S plaid, ultra red is the most attractive, brilliant and beautiful color.

  • If anything I wonder… man with low testosterone, or with no masculinity… is he even a man anymore? 

  • When I was a kid, my dream was to become a scientist?

    Horse and carriage?

    Ever since Seneca was young, we have this really really cute vehicles book. It outlines the history of vehicles, inventions and advancements etc.

    “If I asked people what they wanted, it would be a faster horse” – Henry Ford

    What I find really fascinating is back in the day, all the notions of buses, cars, etc.… they were all essentially carriages with wheels, pulled by horses. Even in today’s world, we use the notion “horsepower”, to denote how powerful a car is. Even the Tesla modelS plaid — 1000 hp (horse power).

    I wonder if similarly, in regards to talking about money and finances and the monetary system… the old US dollar or the fiat currency is going to be akin to the horse?

    The principles of “sound” money?

    Going back to the relatively ancients, for example, Fernandinho Galliani in his treatsie “On money”— he outlines currency and money… And talks about why golden silver is so valuable. Essentially the number one critical one is that it is a beautiful ornament, and also, it is scarce.

    However, it seems that the issue with gold and silver as monetary currencies back in the day was when the Spaniards sailed across the sea and discovered more gold… It ended up devaluing some of the gold back home. This is where bitcoin is really fascinating;, cryptographically, you can never mint more than 21 million bitcoins. Imagine if the US government one they would say: “From today on forth, we will never print more than US$21 million dollars”— if this were the case, there would be a mad rush to obtain more US dollars in currency, because we could not ever print more than any of it.

    However, when it comes to governments, individuals and corporations, they lie.

    “Never again!”

    For example, let us say that after the initial subprime mortgage meltdown, the US government would step in the same quote we will never ever ever again print more US dollars, in order to keep our money scarce and valuable”. And then, in 2024… In California they raise the minimum wage from $16 an hour to $20 an hour, just working at Shake shack or McDonald’s… Certainly we will not see wages ever go down from here. And also as a consequence, we will only see wages go up from here


  • Crypto economist

  • 1. Tesla: I love Elon Musk and Cybertruck and his vision!

    2. Bitcoin: I like the idea of censorship-free money , and also digital scarcity.

  • Either you are well or ill.

    Avoid the ill like they have SARS or COVID or the black plague

  • I’m infinite —

  • Contraries are the principles of entities?

  • Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity through a process called the photovoltaic effect. Here’s how it happens:

    1. Absorption of Sunlight: Each solar panel contains many solar cells, which are typically made from silicon. When sunlight hits the solar cells, the light’s energy is absorbed by the silicon.
    2. Creation of Electrical Charges: This absorbed energy excites electrons in the silicon, knocking them loose from their atoms and generating a flow of electrons, which is an electric current.
    3. Flow of Electricity: The generated electrical current is captured by wiring in the solar panel. This current is direct current (DC) electricity.
    4. Conversion to Usable Electricity: Since most homes and businesses use alternating current (AC) electricity, the DC electricity from the solar panels is routed to an inverter. This device converts the DC into AC electricity.
    5. Power Distribution: Once converted into AC electricity, it can be used to power lights, appliances, and other devices in your home or business. If the system produces more electricity than needed, the excess can be sent back to the power grid (in grid-tied systems) or stored in batteries (in off-grid systems).
    6. Monitoring and Metering: Most solar systems include monitoring systems to track electricity production. If connected to the grid, a special meter measures both the electricity you consume and the excess you send back to the grid.

    This simple, clean energy process harnesses the power of the sun and is a sustainable way to generate electricity, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

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