Disrupt normal, be unique
Be you and smile, cheek to cheek

What’s your potential, have you surveyed the peak?
Can you fly high, with that worm in your beak?

Can you tweak your life to pursue your dream?
Can you be sneaky and sly, and fly high?

Cindy hands

Do you want to be normal, or you?
Do you want to fit in, or fit out?
Do you want to live in the square, or break the mould?
Do you seek to do epic shit, or be generic and boring?
Would you rather be world touring, or stuck at home?
Do you have the courage and the guts to build your own Rome with your own creative dome?

Cindy yoga

You’re smarter than you think, and you’re stronger than you think.
Life is short; over in a blink of the eye
Don’t disguise yourself, or hide the real you
Live and speak unfiltered, never let the real you wilter

Sunset selfie eric Cindy

Keep flowing like a water faucet with no Brita
Don’t be afraid of the hate, just put on a haterproof sweata

Stay true to your crazy inner vision
You’re already alive; you’re risen.


Inspired by the original poem, “Disrupt Normalcy” by Cindy >