Elderly Photography Assignment

STREET CLUB ASSIGNMENT #3: photograph the elderly!

Street hunt elderly assignment

Street hunt thumbs up

Street hunt elderly assignment

Why photograph the elderly?

My grandma. Seoul, 2017
My grandma. Seoul, 2017
  1. The elderly are generally lonely and ignored. If you talk, interact, and photograph them; you’ll bring a lot of joy into their day! Also, we can learn a lot from the elderly.
  2. They have lovely textures in their face, and are generally more interesting to photograph than younger people with no texture or experience in their face.
  3. You’ll be put in a good mood: Older people don’t generally care being photographed. You’ll probably feel good after photographing them! Ask them about their life story, ask for life advice, and tell a bad joke to get them to laugh!


Instax of Cindy and my grandma (she turns 80 next year)
  1. Ask them open ended questions, and make photos while they’re talking.
  2. Ask them to tell you a fun story from their youth.
  3. Get close. Fill the frame with their face, and show their personality in the photo!
  4. Photograph your grandparents, or old people at the park.
  5. Tell the elderly that you find them beautiful! Truth be told, I find beauty in the elegant and elderly.

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