Georges Seurat: Color Theory and Composition Layers

Study the work of George’s Seurat, his colors, layers, and composition. His work reminds me of the classic work of Henri Cartier-Bresson (people by the water), and also the layered compositions of Alex Webb.

Georges Seurat

  1. Note how his layers in his photos have spacing and depth.
  2. Ask yourself, which colors and hues and tones do I see? How do the photos make me feel emotionally?
  3. How does our mind interpret colors, dots, and how does it form a picture in our mind?

Quotes by Seurat

His thinking process with colors

Seurat studied carefully the paintings of Eugene Delacroix, and wrote in 1881 about Delacroix’s painting ‘The Fanatics of Tangier’ this notation:

The flag is green with a red spot in the center; above, the blue of the sky, the orange-tinted white of the walls, and the orange-grey of the clouds. [short notation, 1881: from ‘Notes inedites de Seurat sur Delacroix’, in ‘Bulletin de la Vie Artistique]

My notes:

  • Objects that are green, with a red accent mark
  • Blue sky contrasted with orange tints / clouds as orange-grey?

Art and aesthetic theory by Seurat

Aesthetics is harmony

Aesthetic: Art is Harmony. Harmony is the analogy of opposites, the analogy of similarities of tone, of tint, of line taking account of a dominant and under the influence of the lighting, in combinations that are gay calm or sad.

  • Harmony: how can you make opposites balance?
  • What combinations make emotion?


Opposites make tone and color:

Opposites are: for tone, a more luminous/lighter one for a darker one.

Lighter tones against darker tones render the opposite tone more pronounced, and vice versa.


for tint, the complementaries, that is, a certain red opposed to its complementary, etc.

Complementary colors:

Red — Green
Orange — Blue
Yellow — Violet (yellow and purple)

for line, those making a right angle.
Gaiety of tone is the luminous dominant, of tint, the warm dominant, of line, lines above the horizontal

Calmness of tone is the equality of dark and light; of tint, of warm and cool, and the horizontal for line.

Sadness of tone is the dark dominant; of tint, the cool dominant, and of line, downward directions.

The means of expression is the optical mixture of tones, of tints (of local color and the illuminating color: sun, oil lamp, gas, etc.), that is, of the lights and of their reactions (shadows) following the laws of contrast, of gradation, of irradiation.

The frame [is no longer as in the beginning version] is in a harmony opposed to those of the tones, tints, and lines of the [motif of the] picture.