Timeless Photography

Is there such a concept of making photos that are timeless, which resist the ruthless jaws of time?

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Marseille, 2013. Kodak Portra 400, 35mm format.

There are certain photos which will last longer than others. But of course there’s probably not gonna be any photos that last forever. I also think for the sake of humanity, nothing should last “forever”.

There are certain things which are more timeless than others. For example I can guarantee that Stanley Kubricks 2001 Space Odyssey (and other great cinema) will last longer than Alien vs Predator 2 in the collective human consciousness.

I can also predict that the photos of Henri Cartier-Bresson and Josef Koudelka and Richard Avedon will last longer than random selfies on Instagram, or the HDR and selective color photos of the past (like on Flickr, which platform is essentially dead).

Do you want to make timeless photos?

eric kim red cowboy color kodak porta 400 americans

Now the question is,

As photographers, should we seek to make photos that will last a really long time? Should we seek to make “timeless photos”

Well that’s up to you.

For myself, I want to make photos that will be meaningful, purposeful, and hell inspire and empower other humans as long as possible.

Other suggestions:

The Lindy Effect

NYC, 2014. Shoot with Kodak Porta 400 Color Film.
NYC, 2014. Shoot with Kodak Porta 400 Color Film.

Nassim Taleb teaches us in the book Antifragile that things, concepts, and ideas which have been around for a while will probably continue to be around for a while.

In other words,

Old school stuff is more timeless than new stuff.

So for photography, I suggest studying older photographers, such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Josef Koudelka, David Chim Seymour, Mary Ellen Mark, and Robert Capa. Study the dead masters of photography who are still being quoted today; their work has probably stayed relevant until now for a good reason.

Learn from the masters >

How to make Timeless photos or projects

As for making timeless photos or projects;

  1. Study ancient Greek literature, like the Iliad or Odyssey. What kind of themes and stories permeate in history? Seek to make photos and projects which reflect these universal and timeless human stories and emotions.
  2. Simple is generally better: Simple and elegant photos have a longer lifetime.
  3. Film looks better than digital: I’m amazed by the photos I shot on Kodak Porta 400 from 5 years ago, and my Black and white photos from TRIX 400. My digital photos from the past aren’t as timeless to me.
  4. Do you think Instagram will still be around 50 or 100 years from now? Probably not. Seek to make photography books, prints, or PDF documents that will last (longer).
  5. Pursue a long term photography project which is meaningful to you. I worked on my SUITS and ONLY IN AMERICA project for 4 years. They still are strong!

Make classics!