Make Photos You Like Looking At!

Kyoto cop, 2018

Dear friend,

An epiphany I had: the best way to stay motivated in your photography is this: make photos that you like looking at!

Learn how to make photographs that make you proud in my brand new, first ever online photography video course: “Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Photography” on Udemy!

Why make photos you like looking at?

This is my rationale:

  1. If we make photos hoping that others will like our photos, we will be massively disappointed when they don’t like our photos. The more disappointment we feel in our photography, the less motivation we will have to go out and make new photos.
  2. If you make photos that you like to look at, then you will keep making photos! Just imagine: if you couldn’t share your photos on Facebook or Instagram, would you still take photos?

Why I feel so happy in my photography right now!

Ever since I deleted my Instagram, I feel liberated! Ever since Flickr got bought out by Smugmug, I feel liberated! (read more on why you must own your own platform).

Why do I feel so liberated? I’ve realized:

I must make photos to please myself, and spending less time on social media has helped me realize this.

If you don’t share your photos on Facebook and Instagram, and if you don’t get the dopamine hits from seeing your “likes” increase, then where else would you get the pleasure and joy from photography?

Bingo: you make photos that impress yourself, you make photos that bring joy and a smile to your face, and you make photos that you like looking at yourself! This is the best way to be self-motivated as a photographer to keep shooting, keep getting joy from the process of making photos, and to keep getting joy from the act of editing and selecting your favorite photos. In short, you can get dopamine hits by looking at your own photographs, without being dependent on others “liking” your photos.

How to stay motivated in your photography

Downtown la sweat, limited-edition color version. 2015

Some practical ideas:

  1. Photograph anything that you want to photograph, without concerns on whether others will “like” it or not. If you like looking at your own photos, that is more than sufficient!
  2. Photograph anything and everything. Photograph your food (if you plan on reliving the experience again, and the nice memory associated with the yummy meal), photograph your daily life and travels, photograph your loved ones and strangers on the streets. Photograph sunsets, flowers, nice light, landscapes (natural and urban), and anything that makes you remember: “I’m so grateful to be alive! The world is such a beautiful and amazing place, with infinite opportunities and possibilities!
  3. Respark your initial “Beginner’s mind” in photography. Ask yourself, “Why did I initially first start taking photos? Over time, has my reasons for shooting changed or stayed consistent? And if my reasons for making photos has changed, is it for the better or for the worse?”
Kyoto older woman, street portrait. 2018. Looking at this photograph puts a huge smile on my face!

Smile, and never stop shooting!

“Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Photography” Limited-time Special Bonus: 50% Discount with coupon code/link here.