Photographers Alter and Transform Reality!

Some more fun philosophizing — a photographer is all about making fictions with his or her photos; altering and transforming reality with their camera.

Photographers are artists who transform reality to their will

Sunset shadow selfie. London, 2018
Sunset shadow selfie. London, 2018

What is an artist? An artist is like a child with soft clay; the artist puts their will into the clay, and shapes the clay into whatever form or shape he or she desires.

Similarly, a photographer isn’t about capturing reality as it is. Because all reality is subjective.

Rather, a photographer is interested in looking at things in the visual world, and making them look different in their photographs.

Toaster shot with macro and flash
Toaster shot with macro and flash

For example look at this picture I shot of inside a toaster, looking into it with a flash.

We never see this perspective or view, that is what makes this photo interesting.

I think good photographers are able to see the world differently, and transform the ordinary into the extraordinary in their pictures.

That means, use all of the technologies in your camera to transform, shape, mold, and interpret reality!

Man looking through fogged glass. London, 2018
Man looking through fogged glass. London, 2018

Another example: see this picture of a man through fogged glass at night. We know in reality, he isn’t blurred. In “real life” he is sharp and in focus. But because I shot the photograph at night (it is cold outside and warm inside), it warmed up the window, and thus condensation and fog obscured the window.

I think the photo is interesting, because it is obscured. If the photograph was crystal sharp, it wouldn’t be as mysterious or interesting to look at.

Use a flash

Flash skull

The biggest reason I’m into shooting with a flash is because it makes the world look different.

Tell fictions

London, leading lines, red, composition

Another idea: fiction often has more truth than nonfiction. In literature, we can glean more truths about human nature in Shakespeare on envy, hatred, love, and strife than any non fiction book.

Man alone at night in office

So I think in photography, don’t seek to capture “objective” reality. Rather, make fictions in your photos.

Looks like hair. Actually a photograph closeup of a broomstick. London, 2018
Looks like hair. Actually a photograph closeup of a broomstick. London, 2018


Building at night. Looks like an abstract face to me. London, 2018
Building at night. Looks like an abstract face to me. London, 2018

Photography is play. Have fun making photos, transforming your scenes by framing and creative composition, and be unorthodox. Break the rules, and pave your own visual path!