I have a dream — that when I die at 99 years old, to be mentally 1 year old.

I want to be Benjamin Button — live life in reverse.

To live a life without regrets. Like Jeff Bezos— apply the ‘regret minimization framework’ to my life. To appreciate every moment with my wife, and to take risks in life. To take risks to do grand things in life to empower others. To lie on my death bed at age 99, and know that I didn’t waste a moment of my life.

I want to have simple joys. Like when I was a kid — all I needed were my crayons for my toys. I drew my own reality. I didn’t need external stimuli in the form of blinking screens. Rather, I just needed a lot of green fields and the playground swings.

When we get older, we lose our inner-child. Whereas when we were young, creative, and wild — we get old, decrepit, and stiff.

Anything stiff and rigid will die. Anything flexible and loose will survive— even when the hurricanes come in.

I think in life, we cannot control whether or not hurricanes will hit us. We cannot control mother nature. However, we can still remain like bamboo — strong and flexible, not to be destroyed by the hurricanes. Compared to the stiff skyscraper buildings made of concrete which will topple over.

When I started photography at age 18, with my canon point and shoot digital camera, the whole world was my oyster. I saw every moment as a photo moment. No concepts of composition, framing, or what made a ‘good’ photo. Rather, there were only interesting scenes or boring scenes. And I only photographed whatever interested me.

So at age 29, I feel mentally 12 years old again. I have some moral sense and a strong sense of ethics of right and wrong— but creatively, I feel free.

Now, I just photograph whatever interests me. I no longer hesitate before taking the shot.

I used to look at scenes and think to myself:

Oh, I shouldn’t photograph that. It is cliche. I have seen it before. And if I share it, it won’t get many likes on social media.

In reality, listening to your inner-child is the best way to stay creative for your entire life.

I got a lot of inspiration from my recent Hanoi to Sapa photography workshop from Don Dillon. His grand-daughter calls him, ‘My friend Grandpa’ — and he is the coolest mofo I have met. Around 6 foot 2, wearing all black, with red glasses. He shoots the streets like a curious kid — kind of like my other friend Richard Reed. I want to be like Don and Richard when I grow up. They haven’t lost their child-like sense of curiosity — wandering off, making photos, and laughing with people all along the way.

So friend— pave your own creative path in photography and life. If you are not a full-time photographer, consider yourself blessed. You aren’t a slave in terms of what photos to make or not make. You have 100% creative control.

So the takeaway is this: photograph like a child. Don’t censor yourself. Follow your gut.

And don’t forget, have fun.


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