25 Ways How to be a Bad Street Photographer

Note: I love making lists, as I feel that they are fun ways to learn and gain more insight about street photography. Please do not be offended by this list, as they are some of my own personal opinions about street photography. However I feel that these “rules” are broad enough to apply to most street photographers. If you don’t agree with any of the points below, leave a comment and tell me otherwise!

  1. Never carry your camera with you
  2. Be “too lazy” to go out and take photos
  3. Only keep your batteries charged half-way before you go out and shoot
  4. Take photos of your subjects a mile away
  5. Make excuses that “your camera is not good enough” for street photography
  6. Be afraid of taking photos of people in public
  7. Try to imitate the styles of other street photographers, instead of nurturing your own
  8. Spend more time on internet forums than on the streets
  9. Never share your photos with anybody else
  10. Miss “The Decisive Moment
  11. Always follow tourists when looking for photo opportunities
  12. Stop taking photos in a public space when confronted by police
  13. Only take photos during the day
  14. Never experiment with your shots
  15. Be unwilling to accept constructive criticism of your photos
  16. Don’t backup your photos
  17. Be suspicious in public
  18. Look at your LCD more than you look at the street
  19. Stick out like a sore thumb
  20. Shoot before you think
  21. Only take photos of peoples’ backs
  22. Walk around in public with a massive telephoto lens
  23. Never travel to new places to take photos
  24. Run away from your subjects after taking photos of them
  25. Only capture extraordinary subjects/scenes, not the mundane
Street Photo Fail
Don't be like her

Like this list? Make sure to also check out my other popular lists, 101 Things I Have Learned about Street Photography as well as 100 Things I Have Learned About Photography.