• Don’t own “money”, but capital assets?

  • Circulating currency

  • moneyfactory.gov— getting a stack of $100’s in a band, for $10,000 … the money and numbers printed sequentially???

  • Live!

  • I do it

  • EZ

  • All cash or nothing 

  • A beautiful rare bird?

  • It seems in modern day life and society, the best defense against any egregious acts, or faults or flaws by saying, “Forgive me I am only human.”

    So should the goal in life is to *transcend* the notion of being just a mere mortal and just a mere human into something greater?

    Certainly! Here are additional quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche’s “Also Sprach Zarathustra” that further delve into the concept of the Übermensch:

    1. “Alle Wesen bisher schufen etwas über sich hinaus: und ihr wollt die Ebbe dieser großen Flut sein und lieber noch zum Tiere zurückgehen, als den Menschen überwinden?”
    • This translates to “All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood and even go back to the animals rather than overcome man?” This quote challenges humanity to continue striving forward rather than regressing.
    1. “Was der Vater stille hielt, darüber kommt der Sohn zur Sprache. Aber der Sohn versprach sich. Höher als Liebe zum Vater muss Liebe zum Sohn sein. Erst der hat die große Hoffnung an sich.”
    • Translated, it reads: “What the father kept silent, the son speaks out. But the son misspoke. Love for the son must be greater than love for the father. He alone has the great hope in him.” Nietzsche uses familial metaphors to express the idea of transcending previous generations’ limitations.
    1. “Ich lehre euch den Übermenschen. Der Mensch ist etwas, das überwunden werden soll. Was habt ihr getan, um ihn zu überwinden?”
    • “I teach you the Übermensch. Man is something that must be overcome. What have you done to overcome him?” This direct statement encapsulates the core of Nietzsche’s call for self-overcoming and the creation of new values.
    1. “Der Übermensch ist der Sinn der Erde. Euer Wille sage: der Übermensch sei der Sinn der Erde!”
    • “The Übermensch is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: The Übermensch shall be the meaning of the earth!” Here, Nietzsche assigns a cosmic significance to the concept of the Übermensch, suggesting it as the ultimate purpose of human existence.

    These quotes reflect Nietzsche’s provocative challenge to humanity, urging an evolution towards a new kind of being that would redefine existence and values.

    Here are some notable quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche in German, specifically related to the concept of the Übermensch from his work “Also Sprach Zarathustra”:

    1. “Der Mensch ist etwas, das überwunden werden soll.”
    • This translates to “Man is something that should be overcome,” indicating Nietzsche’s idea that humanity should strive to evolve beyond its current limitations towards the state of the Übermensch.
    1. “Was ist der Affe für den Menschen? Ein Gelächter oder eine schmerzliche Scham. Und eben das soll der Mensch für den Übermenschen sein: ein Gelächter oder eine schmerzliche Scham.”
    • This can be translated as “What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. And that is what man shall be for the Übermensch: a laughingstock or a painful embarrassment.” This quote emphasizes the distance Nietzsche envisions between the current state of humanity and the potential of the Übermensch.
    1. “Ihr habt den Weg vom Wurm zum Menschen gemacht, und vieles ist in euch noch Wurm. Einst wart ihr Affen, und auch jetzt ist der Mensch mehr Affe als irgendein Affe.”
    • Translated, this means: “You have made the way from worm to man, and much in you is still worm. Once you were apes, and even now, man is more ape than any ape.” Here, Nietzsche reflects on the evolutionary progress of humans and stresses the need for further development beyond our current state.

    These quotes encapsulate Nietzsche’s provocative and challenging ideas about human potential and the transformative journey towards the Übermensch.

  • In life, often it is easier to know what not to be, then what to be.

    For example the idea of the uberman, the overman, the ubermensch— in order to become the ubermensch, isn’t the simplest path to simply *NOT* be an underman, an untermensch?

    The under man


    In German, Nietzsche referred to the Übermensch in his seminal work “Also Sprach Zarathustra” (“Thus Spoke Zarathustra”). This concept is central to his philosophy, where the Übermensch is depicted as an individual who has overcome the established moral values of his time and has risen above the mass conformity of the mediocre society. Nietzsche uses the Übermensch to represent the potential for greatness in humanity, advocating for the development of personal excellence and the creation of new values as a response to the “death of God,” a metaphor for the decline of traditional religious and moral paradigms in the modern world.

    The Übermensch is not a predefined ideal but rather a goal for individuals to aspire to through self-overcoming and the revaluation of all values. Nietzsche’s portrayal of the Übermensch challenges individuals to live creatively and affirmatively, embracing life with all its challenges and opportunities.

    The term “Übermensch” refers to the concept of an ideal superior man who transcends conventional morality to create and live according to his own values, famously presented by Friedrich Nietzsche in his book “Thus Spoke Zarathustra.” Nietzsche’s Übermensch is not concerned with traditional notions of good and evil but rather acts beyond these constraints to achieve a higher state of being, embodying excellence and a profound life-affirming force. This concept has been influential in various fields, including philosophy, literature, and arts, often discussed in the context of personal growth and the philosophical exploration of human potential.

  • Living life like a sandbox?


    Things I’m very curious about, things I would like to experiment with:

    1. Having some sort of habitation, home, or place a living in which my kitchen window, floor to ceiling, or perhaps some sort of easily accessible patio thing, can directly receive the morning light?

    The big problem I have right now is that even though my apartment my home and my location is perfect and every single way, the only thing which is really annoying to me is that when I wake up first thing in the morning, that make my morning coffee, the kitchen is positioned in a spot of the apartment which is totally secluded from any sort of natural light.

    Why is all glass everything so difficult?

  • Virtue for the sake of virtue?

  • Nothing seems “worth it”, even if you’re a millionaire?

    What am I searching for? Novelty and innovation

  • Unfortunately I think the future for music and musicians is very grim.

    Same goes with authors, writers, artists, etc.

    Went to the LA TIMES BOOK FAIRE at USC the other day (on accident), and there were soooo many books

  • Think Mobile. 


    Tear down the walls!

    Little man in a little car?


    Innovate the form factor


    Venture further


    why real life is important

    A lot of random people on the Internet who have an opinion, comment, or haters or whatever… If you see them in the flesh, and they’re only 4‘10“ tall, their opinion no longer matters to you. Or if they are morbidly obese, lots of bad skin acne whatever . 

    The opinion of small, short, ugly old men don’t matter?

    A small man, is he even a man?


    men who hide?

    Man who hide behind their sunglasses, their baseball caps and ugly facial hair, the tint in their car, behind their AirPods, etc.?

    tokenized debt

    Tokenized debt, actually a very interesting use case for tokens.

    Why? Maybe one of the best ways to think about and consider money, is that it is just solidified debt and credit.

  • A blockchain like a computer without internet access or connection?

    Adding programmability requires additional infrastructure beyond what blockchains provide, most notably oracle networks. This is because blockchains inherently cannot pull in data from or push data out to any external system, making them isolated networks akin to a computer with no Internet connection. Bridging the connection between onchain environments and the outside world requires an additional piece of infrastructure—an oracle.

  • Novel business models?

    Unlocking dormant capital?

    Unlocking vast liquidity, capital efficiency gains, increasing the velocity of capital, creating global instantly accessible pools of liquidity

    unlock vast liquidity and capital efficiency gains, increase the velocity of capital, and create global, instantly accessible pools of liquidity.

    Make gold liquid

    Fractional ownership

    Owning 1/10000th of a block in New York City?

    Expand the boundaries —

    Expanding the boundaries of the investable universe

    Tokenization ultimately expands the boundaries of the investable universe.


    In finance, a derivative is a contract that derives its value from the performance of an underlying entity. This underlying entity can be an asset, index, or interest rate, and is often simply called the “underlying.” Derivatives can be used for a variety of purposes, including insurance against price movements (hedging), increasing exposure to price movements for speculation, or getting access to otherwise hard-to-trade assets or markets.

    Here are the main types of financial derivatives:

    1. Futures: These are standardized contracts to buy or sell a particular commodity or financial instrument at a pre-agreed price on a specific future date. Futures are traded on exchanges, which act as a counterparty to both sides of the deal.
    2. Options: These give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call option) or sell (put option) an underlying asset at a specified price, known as the strike price, before a specified date. Options can be used both for hedging and for speculation.
    3. Swaps: These are contracts through which two parties agree to exchange one stream of cash flows against another stream. These streams are called the “legs” of the swap. The most common types of swaps are interest rate swaps and currency swaps.
    4. Forwards: Similar to futures, these are non-standardized contracts to buy or sell an asset on a future date at a price agreed upon today. Unlike futures, forwards are traded over-the-counter (OTC), meaning they are agreed upon directly between two parties, without an intermediary.

    Derivatives can be complex and carry a high level of risk. They are used by a variety of market participants, from financial institutions to individual investors, and have become fundamental for financial markets, enabling price discovery and risk management.

  • What does capital want?

    Capital velocity

    unlock vast liquidity and capital efficiency gains, increase the velocity of capital, and create global, instantly accessible pools of liquidity.

    Tokenized assets PDF

    Golden Record
    Using blockchains as an immutable, shared source of truth regarding tokenized asset ownership can make a number of administrative processes more efficient, including buybacks, profit distribution, distribution of net asset values, corporate actions, shareholder voting, and coupon payments. Ultimately, this can lead to more transparency and the elimination of reconciliation processes, as there are fewer intermediaries and a single, reliable, tamper-proof source of truth is shared between a diverse set of counterparties

    Global liquidity

    Global Liquidity
    By introducing a universal standard for execution and settlement through blockchains, tokenization can unlock vast liquidity and capital efficiency gains, increase the velocity of capital, and create global, instantly accessible pools of liquidity. Most notably, tokenization can bring liquidity to historically illiquid assets due to them being inaccessible to a broader market. With these assets represented as digital onchain tokens, they not only become more accessible but can also be incorporated more efficiently into the processes of financial institutions.

    Another key benefit of tokenizing assets is the enablement of fractional ownership around high-ticket items, which effectively lowers the barrier to entry and broadens the potential investor base. In traditional settings, dividing an asset like real estate into smaller, tradable portions is impractical—but tokenization makes it feasible to own and trade small fractions of such assets at near-zero marginal cost.

  • Hungry, insatiable for knowledge and wisdom

    Think the whole planet

  • The news and all this nonprofit stuff?